Friday, June 21, 2019

Make a title Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Make a title - Essay ExampleThis brought in disagreements since white settlers had a negative attitude towards native tribes and had to react.White settlers viewed the Indian style of living as poor. They wanted them to follow lifestyles. This ranged from trying to convert them into Christianity, dogma them to speak English. Whites viewed them as people with a very low sense of intelligence judging from the way the built their houses (Roark 64). The establishment, which favored the white settlers took it as a favor granted unto the natives. However, it all lead to continuous attacks, disagreements and violence. In 1868, the Fort Laramie Treaty had to be signed in order to bring peace mingled with the United States Government and the American Native tribes. This was after white settlers claimed that American Indians attacked them, even when they helped out by acting as tour guides and offering visitors with viands and shelter.Both the white settlers and the US government were irra tional. All they cared for was get access to the fertile land while ignoring the natives. The US government dishonored the signed treaties. The Dawes Act, 1887 was utilise a strategy to eliminate tribal ownership on land and divide up tribes into single entities. Through this Act, the US Federal government was equal to repossess land and in turn sold it off to white settlers and railway constructors. Due to such dis-orientation, groups like the Mescalero Indians took refuge in Mexico. The Navajos were persistent because they cute their land, customs and beliefs. However, their resistance proved fatal when the US military applied the scorched earth policy.The Native Americans had lots of problems with both the white settlers and the US government. This is because the government was in collaboration with settlers. They ignored the local minority tribes. Instead, they used them as slaves in the construction of railway

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