Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Communication skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Communication skills - Essay Exampleure that the entire experience of a safety valve is quite favorable for the customers they inform the customers regarding procedures and practices that are conducted during emergency situations. They even are responsible for delivering feed and beverages to customers. One of the most important communication skills that are required of a flight at consortant is the hearing skills. Listening skills are important skills as they are the most useful tools in making a customer feel safe, batten and comfortable. During flying period there may be incidences that customers may feel can lead to an accident and they might end up in panic. In such situations, flight attendants need to make sure that they listen to their customers to make them feel that the people in the flight are similar to their family members and are assay their best to solve the issues experienced during the flight (Jones, 2012, p.5). Another essential communication skill that is requ ired of a flight attendant is nonverbal communication skills, oddly being able to use hand gestures. These skills are essential as there are people who may not understand the official phrase used by the flight attendant and use of gestures can sustain them understand the instructions that are being provided by the attendant.One of the weakest areas of my communication skills is listening skills. I have a habit of not being concerned about what others have to say regarding their problems and when people tell me about their problems, I tend to simply ignore what they are saying and end up nodding my head just to make them feel that I am listening. Secondly, I overleap the ability to communicate effectively with use of non-verbal communication tools such as hand gestures. I fail to make people understand what I loss them to know when I use hand gestures, while I am quite strong in making facial expressions which can easily help people in understanding my mood or feelings.I plan to enhance my listening skills by trying to pay more

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