Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Demonstrating Omniscience Omnipotence And The Omnipresence Of God Religion Essay

Demonstrating Omniscience Omnipotence And The ubiquitousness Of divinity piety Es registerThe objective of this research paper is to demonstrate the omnipotence, omniscience and ubiquity of deity and how these relate to the living and ministry of the shaper delivery boy. The entire volume from Genesis to apocalypse does mention on the Omnipotence, ubiquity and Omniscience of deity. This paper exit walk us through first from the OT, NT and then the life and ministry of delivery boy savior.In the stemma of creation in Gen 11-3, when He created the world, it shows idol is Omnipotence, In the inception paragon created the heaven and the worldly concern. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was both over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of deity was hovering over the waters. And divinity fudge said, Let in that respect be light, and t here was light. It shows. He is the all- exp unmatchablentful Lord who has created all things and sustains them by th e Word of His power. The playscript reveals that theology is all powerful and in the terminal sense is the ruler of history and nature.Omnipotent in the Old testament and New entrustOmnipotence refers to Gods unexpressage power. In the Old Testament, El Shaddai is translated almighty God (Gen 171 mull 517). God is descried as performing natural wonders (Gen 11-3 Isa 4424 Heb 13) and religious wonders (2 Cor 46 Eph 19 320). In Gen 1814, God is able to create new thing and nothing is undoable to Him. indeed in Ps 1153, He does whatever pleases him. And in Ezek 3626, He is able to create a new heart. God manifestation acts include creation, nature, history, providence, and redemption. therefrom in Daniel 435 Amos 92, 3 show that nothing evades Gods omnipotence.It is withal demonstrated by the create of the Holy Spirit, in Scripture comp bed to wave, water, and go over The ordinary manifestations of these elements afford no criterion of the effect they argon able to produ ce. Wind Pentecost was the analogue of the wind Spirit, who bore everything before Him on the first day of creation (Gen 12 Eze 3710 john 38 Acts 22). The power of resurrection flush toilet 1125 Rom 14 Eph 119-20.God plentynot do that which is self-contradictory or contradictory to His suffer nature, because His omnipotence is of His proclaim essence, and He is all- beingness out which all existence must arise.Gods omnipotence is in addition revealed in Philippians 121 because we read that He is able to conquer all things. We see Paul rejoicing in Romans 832-39 because, if God is for us, then who can be against us? God is not peculiar(a) in what He can do and nothing can worst God. butmore, there is nothing that God cannot overpower. Hence it is written in Colossians 29-10, Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.Omnipotent in the life and ministry of messiah ChristIn the life and ministry of messiah Christ, He demonstrates that he had all authority of heaven and earth two-dimensionality 2818, wherefore rescuer came to them and said, whole authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me And in Mark 25, 7, 10 states that Jesus had the power to forgive sins, something only God can do.In the New Testament the salient embodiment of this redemptive omnipotence is the resurrection of believers (Matt 2229 Mk. 1224) and specifically the resurrection of Christ (Rom 417, 21, 24 Eph 119ff). Gods power is evidenced in the whole process of redemption (Mat 1926 Mk 1027 Rom 831 Eph 37, 20 1 deary 15 increase 1117).Further in Matt 39, out of these st geniuss God can raise up children for Abraham. Again, He has the power to create new things.Omniscience in OT(Look up in dictionary)Omniscience refers to Gods pukka fri overthrowship and wisdom, His power to go through all things. God is the Lord who admits our thoughts from afar. He is acquainted with all our ways, conditioned our words even before they are on our tongues (Ps 1391- 6, 13-16). He requires to consult no one for knowledge or understanding (Is 4013-14). He is the all-knowing Lord who prophesies the events of the future, including the decease and resurrection of His Son (Isa 53) and return of Christ at the end of this age when stopping prognosticate will be finally overcome (Rom 818-39 1 Cor 1551-57). Only the all knowing and all powerful God can guarantee real freedom from sin, decay, and death. He can begin a process of change in believers during the presend age where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (2 Cor 317). Nelsons New Illustrated Bible Dictionary, General Editor. Ronald F. Youngblood. Nashville, Tennessee doubting Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1986.Scripture declares that Gods eyes run all over, in orther words God watches and knows everything (Job 2423 psalm 3313-15 13913-16 Proverbs 153 Hebraicals 413 Jeremiah 1617 Daniel 222 and Ezekiel 115). He searches all hearts and observes everyones ways (1 Samuel 167 1 Kings 839 1 Chro nicles 289 Psalms 1391-6, 23 Jeremiah 1710 Luke 1615 Romans 827 Revelations 223) in other words, he knows everything and everybody all the quantify. Also, he knows the future no less than the other(prenominal) and the present, and possible events that ever happen no less than actual events that do ( 1 Samuel 239-13 2 Kings 1319 Psalm 8114-15 Isaiah 4818). (God understand all things. His understanding is limitless. It cannot measure). All His knowledge is eternally immediately and directly before his mind (Psalm 1475 Isaiah 469-10 Psalms 1391-6 Isaiah 4013-14 28 cf. Romans 1133-36 look through). In Job 2310, and Psalm 10314 talk about God knowing our needs.In Gen 1613, God is referred to as the God who sees. Prov 153 teaches The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the puckish and the good. Similarly, Ps 3415 affirms, The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry. Job envisiond Gods eyes are on the ways of men he sees their ever y step. There is no dark place no deep shadow where evildoers can hide. (3422-23). God is described in Zech39 as having 7 eyes to represent his omniscience, and the prophet Ezekiel depicted God as having eyes all almost him (Ez 118). And in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus affirmed, Are not louvre sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten (126).Gods omniscience is seen in Acts 5, Ananias and Sapphira. When Ananias brings the gift, God had seen right through his pretense. No one would know, they thought. And in Hebrew 413 teaches that nothing is hidden from God. All we do and destine is uncovered, and displayed before God to whom we must give account.http//Churchlayman.wordpress.comActs 1518 Rev 223, Psalms 3313, Jeremiah 3817-20, Romans 417, Job 3422-23 Ps 139Omniscience in the life and Ministry of JesusThe omniscient God sent an angel to the mother of our Lord to reveal a specific program. Do not be afraid, Mary, you postulate found favor with God. You will be wi th child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the constitute Jesus. He will be great and will be called the son of the Most High. The Lord will give him the throne of his incur David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever his kingdom will never end (Luke 130-33).The bible declares that Jesus was indeed omniscient. Jesus demonstrated it in the NT is the Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew 6 Jesus was talking about the lilies of the field and warned his disciples not to worry because He knows that we need them and He will take care of them.He knew specific flesh out about a womans life whom He had never met (John 416-19). He also had all knowledge about Nathaniel in John 147-49. In Matthew 1727 about Jesus knowing of a certain coin in a look fors mouth before the seek is caughtJesus Christ had knowledge of specific details about His own death. Then in Matthew 1621, Jesus said that He would go to Jerusalem, suffer many things at the hands of the scribes and the elders, be killed, and then be resurrected the third day. He repeats this prophecy in Matthew 2019.In John 131 Matthew 1226, and Mark 817 proofs that Jesus knowledge in these instances is that of his human intellect.We will be able to realize that Jesus is indeed omniscient. In Matthew 1727, Jesus knew that the first fish that Peter will catch will have a plunk of money in its mouth that they could use to pay the temple tax.In John 225 goes so far as to keep the omniscience of Jesus, he did not need mans testimony, for he knew what was in a man. Then in John 147, Jesus knew Nathanael is a man in whom there is no guile Jesus also knew that the Samaritan woman whom he met at the soundly in S amaria has no husband (John 417-18). Jesus also knew that it will be Judas Iscariot who is going to betray him and that he also knew Peter will deny him thrice (Mark 143). John 1630, His disciples recognized His omniscience. Matthew 1621 1722 2018-19 261-2, His prediction of His death demonstr ate His omniscienceMatthew 2436 says precisely of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven alone my father only. This verse has been a century of debate among leaders of religious groups and has increase controversy as to the Omniscience of Jesus.Even theologians have diverse stands on this issue. It is consequently important to look back at the nature two natures of Jesus his human and portend nature. With this, we can say that if Jesus does not know the time of his return, it does not mean that it contradicts his omniscience, which is attributed to his divine nature.Matthew 1121-23 . (Jesus knew what Tyre and Sidon would have done had the gospel been preached to them.OMNIPRESENCE IN OLD TESTAMENT AND hot TESTAMENThttp// TurnerOmni forepart a theological term that refers to the outright nature of God or His ability to be everywhere at all times. God is not like the manufactured idols of ancient cultures that were limited t o one altar or temple area. God reveals Himself in the Bible as the Lord who is everywhere. God was present as Lord in all creation (Ps 1397-12) and there is no escaping Him. He is present in our innermost thoughts. Even as we are formed in the womb, He knows all the days of our future. God sees in secret and rewards in secret, as Jesus taught His disciples He looks not only on outward actions, but especially on the inner attitudes of a persons heart (Matt 61-18). Because God is the Creator and Sustainer of time and quad, He is everywhere. Being everywhere, He is our great Comforter, Friend and Redeemer. Nelsons New Illustrated Bible Dictionary, General Editor. Ronald F. Youngblood. Nashville, Tennessee Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1986.omnipresence agent God is everywhere present. Omnipresence may be defined as God, in the totality of his essence, without diffusion or expansion, multiplication or division, penetrates and fills the creation in all its parts. Paul Enns, The dark Han dbook of Theology. Page 194. In Ps 1397-16 Prov 153 Jere 2323, 24 Amos 92 Dt 439 1014 explains the omnipresence of God. Although sometimes Omnipresence emphasizes His immanence, it frequently contents itself with affirming the universal extent of Gods power and knowledge. Page 596 Bromiley.The God who is eternal, and therefore not limited by time, is omnipresent, and not limited by space (Psalm 1397-16 Proverbs 153 Jeremiah 2323, 24). This means that the unlimited God in His whole being is present at every point of our space. Perhaps a better way to express Gods omnipresence is to say that all space is immediately present before Him.Gods omnipresence does not prevent Him from manifesting Himself in a localized place. In fact, although His self-existent, eternal, and infinite Being is present to all of space equally, He has, on occasion, entered space at specific points and become present in it for a specific purpose. These theophanies, as they are called, most often involved redempt ion. For example, the pillar of cloud drift the glory of God that appeared before the Israelites (Exodus 339 4034 I Kings 810ff) is but one example of such a case. Page 596 Bromiley. Gods presence is not confined to a certain bema it follows that He can be simultaneously in heaven and on earth. Page 596.Of course, the most dramatic incident of God enter time and space was the incarnation itself (John 114 I Timothy 316). Consequently, Jesus was called Immanuel, or God with us (Matthew 123). But, in entering time and space, God, in His self-existent, eternal, and infinite Being, did not cease to be omnipresent. He was, in fact, still present to every point of space, holding everything in concert by the word of His power (Colossians 117 Hebrews 13 Acts 1724-28). Another example of God interjecting Himself into time and space would be the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost (Acts 21-4), as well as His indwelling of the body of every Christian (I Corinthians 619).In Ps 1397-10, Davi d exclaims that He cannot flee from the presence of the Holy Spirit if he ascends to heaven, He is there if he descends into the depths of the earth, the Spirit is there also. Even if he could fly away swiftly, he could not escape the presence of the Spirit.Omnipresence in the life and Ministry of JesusThe Omnipresence of Jesus demonstrates the Omnipresence of God. Bromiley says that Gods omnipresence is closely related to His omnipotence and omniscience that He is everywhere enables Him to act everywhere and to know all things, and conversely, through omnipotent action and omniscience knowledge. page 595. As verbalize in Matt 2819-20, In giving the great Commission, Jesus commanded his disciples to go as witnesses everywhere, even to the end of the earth, and he would be with them to the end of the age. Indicate that he is not limited either by space or by time. Only God has the ability to be everywhere at once, yet Jesus Christ claims this ability. . Then in Matthew 1820, He says , For where two or three are gathered unneurotic in my name, there am I in the midst of them.Further in John 1417, But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. Christs indwelling of every believer demands that He is omnipresent. The omnipresence of the Spirit is also taught in John 1417 where Christ taught the disciples that the spirit would dwell them all, an affirmation of the Spirits omnipresence. In fact, it is evidently the omnipresence of God with us that is the subject of John 313, which says, No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of God who is in heaven. Remember, these words were being spoken by Jesus Himself while manifested here on this earth in the person of Jesus Christ.Recognizing that Jesus has a human nature as well as a divine nature, it should be stated that in His Humanity He is localized in heaven, but in His deity He is omnipresent.The doctrine of omnipresence is a comfort to the believer who recognizes that no calamity can befall him that God is not present with Him and assures the believer that God is at hand to dispense with in every place where there is any form of danger. It is also a warning to the disobe ceasent person that he cannot escape the presence of God.How Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence relate toRelate to Acts 2 1-4, When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They apothegm what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.Base on the above scripture, we can see the Omnipotence and Omnipresence of the Spirit of God manifested on the day of Pentecost. As the Breath or wind is a symbol of the Spirit of God. The coming of the Spirit and fire symbolize the divine presence of God. When they were filled with the Holy Spirit, they began speaking in other tongues. It symbolize Gods unlimited power enables them to speak in some(prenominal) languages.Then in John 824 I told you that you would die in your sins if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins.Thus from the above scripture Jesus Knew (Omniscience) what will happen to those who do not believe in Him and that they would die in their sins.Philippians 2 Imitating Christs Humility polishBIOLOGRAPHYMillard J. Erickson. Christian Theology. Grand Rapids, MI Baker Book House, 1989.A.H, Strong organized TheologyWayne Grudem. Systematic Theology An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine. Leicester, England Inter-Varsity Press, 1994.Thomas C. Oden. general Theology. book of account One The Living God. Peabody, Massachusetts Hendrickson Publishers, 2006.Geoffrey W. Bromiley. Gen. Editor. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Volumes Three K-P. Grand Rapids, M I William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co.,..Merrill C. Tenny. Gen Editor. The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible. Volume Four M-P. Grand Rapids, MI Zondervan Publishing House..Paul Enns, The Moody Handbook of Theology.

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