Thursday, May 16, 2019

Same Sex Marriages Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Same Sex Marriages - search Paper ExampleEmotional understanding takes place between two persons when they start believing separately other. Love, care, and trust are those key factors that play an important role in creating and maintaining affectionate feelings in the minds of the individuals tortuous in the relationship.However, one thing, which must me mentioned, is that feelings of love and care are not gender specific. It is not prerequisite that these feelings always bear between the individuals belonging to opposite genders. Sometimes the feelings of love and care also arise between the individuals belonging to the same gender. Those feelings become the reason for any two individuals from the same gender to use up involved in a relationship between each other, which is referred to as same sex marriage.The authorities of the United States of America does not allow same sex marriages. The government of America believes that marriage is a sacred relationship, which should always involve the individuals from the opposite sexes whereas gay or lesbian marriages result in destroying the base sprit of the relationship of marriage.The biggest problem affecting same sex marriage is geography (Dunn). However, in some states of America, courts convey allowed people to do same sex marriages. Some of those states include Massachusetts, Vermont, and Connecticut. The courts of these states declared that marriage is a civic right, so gays and lesbians also possess this right (Cahill 4). In these states, although people belonging to same sexes are allowed to start up tied in marital relationships with each other, yet their marriages or living status as a couple is not very much accepted by the major(ip)ity of the US population.One of the major problems, which the same sex marriage couples face, is the discouraging behavior of the societies. Majority of people usually do not encourage same sex marriages because they think that such marriages are just for the fulf illment of sexual desires preferably of making

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