Friday, May 31, 2019

Old man and the sea Essay -- essays research papers

The epic journey of The Old Man and the Sea describes scrape, discipline and manhood. The main characters relationships be how faith and skill overcome mans adversity during life on the sea. capital of Chiles growing relationship with the boy idealizes his statute as a father figure and develops his integrity and values towards the boy. Hemmingway shows us how an overage fishermans will to overcome the seas obstacles proves his manhood to himself and the puppyish boy. His skills and knowledge of the sea provide a positive influence for the young boy to become a great fisherman someday.Throughout the constant struggle between capital of Chile and the fish, he is forced to prove his skills as a fisherman and conduct his discipline to retain his manhood. Santiagos moral plight he faces to converse with the sea regards a large mysterious marlin. From the time the old man hooks the great fish to when he finally captures him Santiago faces the hardest of adversity that reflects his a ge and discipline with his stamina to push his own limits. His entire journey amasses conflicts that lead to his own suffering. These unavoidable events leave scars upon scars to his hands and threaten the bank of consciousness for Santiago. He constantly remembers his discipline in order to keep the fish. He wishes the fish would begin to fight rump so he laughingstock capture him faster. In the prolonged struggle between the fish and the old man his conscience questioned his justifications for battling such a great creature. Always in the back of his mind was the young boy who he valued for friendship and companionship. These ideals helped Santiago remember his discipline for fishing and his integrity for his own manhood. The pain and suffering the old man must endure to overcome the seas adversity help to justify Santiagos rebirth of manhood. His legendary journey provides kind and physical altercations Santiago must survive in order to prove to himself that he is still a man capable of conquering fish. Society labels Santiago as an unlucky fisherman for not catching any fish for 85 days, and yet ignore his skills as a wise, witty fisherman. It is better to be lucky. But I would kind of be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.(32) Santiago coordinates good luck with offerings from the sea. He also said, in order to catch the big fish I must go out far enough where the great one will ... a man once again. I think there are many occasions in a persons life where manhood is questioned and a rebirth of ideas is abroad. We might be able to call these our phases of life everyone seems to undergo. As Santiagos life slows down it is harder to prove to himself his own worth, but through the boy he is allowed a chance to reflect his own aspirations and honor for the sea on to the boy.Often times in a persons life comes a test to overcome in order to prove something integral to the rest of ones life. Hemmingways amazing journey of an old man, a fish, and a boy, show us the simplicity of life rather than the complex emotions of irrational thought. The situations, style and examples of manhood in this story help to illustrate the importance of proving ones manhood in order to find closure in your life. Santiagos ideals as a fisherman reflected upon by the boy show the respect of friendship between characters as well as describing marvel within his abilities and hardships throughout the story. Silently the message of manhood obtained by overcoming personal sacrifice shows how Santiago can remember his gift for life, being a fisherman.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

What is Special Education? Essay -- Education Educating Teaching Essay

Before covering the main idea behind how engineering can enhance learning of special students, it is important to discuss what qualifies a student as ?special?. Special Education is identified as, ?the teaching method of children who bend socially, mentally, or physically from the average to such an extent that they require major modifications of usual school practices,? (Encyclopedia Britannica Online, 2005, p.1). According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Amendments of 1997, ?students with disabilities include those with mental retardation, auditory modality impairments, speech or language impairments, visual impairments, serious emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairments, autism, other health impairments, or specific learning disabilities,? (Warger, 1999, p.1). Since there are so many different types of disabilities, each student needs to be assessed to determine the best type of learning environment for them (Ralabate, 2002, p. 13-14). This is a very impor tant better of helping special education students from the very beginning of their education. With the right leadership from teachers, and knowing what works best with teaching each unique student, they can conk their full potential in learning. Inclusion ?Children who learn together, learn to live together? (Renaissance Group, 1999, p.1). Resurfacing the issue of different teaching methods in Special Education, many schools get up students in an Inclusive environment. Inclusion refers to the placement and participation of students with special needs into a general education environment such as classrooms and extra curricular programs (Lewis & Doorlag, 1999, p.5). Many find the use of inclusion in schools very beneficial to both special and general education ... This an online ERIC synonym finder defining assistive technology. ?Special education.? Encyclopdia Britannica Online. 2005. This is an on line encyclopedia definition of special education. Internet Resources Internet for Education. (2005). Retrieved on April 27, 2005 from http// This site contains development on the ways the internet can enhance education. Renaissance Group. (1999, October, 14). Inclusive Education. Retrieved April 20, 2005 from http// . This site contains a lot of current information concerning the importance, philosophy, and future of education in an inclusive environment.

Has the Creation of Nunavut Come too Quickly? Essay -- Argumentative P

Has the Creation of Nunavut Come too Quickly?The North of Canada may invoke thoughts of polar bears, penguins, and Eskimos, barely this region has a history of exploitation. Since the 1940s, the Inuit people (Eskimo is considered a derogatory term by locals) feel been forced to assimilate to Canadian laws and language. Prior to the arrival of the Canadian officials and their economic and law systems and infrastructures, the Inuit lived in small groups off the tundra. Their economic system was one of trade and they spoke Inuktitut, which was only an oral language until slightly l years ago. Yet, this way of life was altered drastically with the increasing presence of the Canadian government in the region. In the early 1900s the government of Canada began to take score of the increasingly heavy flow of foreign ships in the arctic waters. It was not the presence of the ships the Canadian government were concerned with, but rather the revenue they were losing (Matthiasson, 36). To get the better of this problem, Canada loosely asserted its sovereignty over the region more for economic reasons than anything else. Even then, the Inuit people continued to live the way they always had in malevolency of the Canadian laws they were supposedly constrained by now. Forty years later, Canadas sovereignty in the Northwest Territories was threatened again, but this time politically by the coupled States in 1946. Canadian officials were informed that the United States was planning to construct several weather stations in the High Arctic Islands. These stations were intended to cop climatic information as well as serve as a defense measure against possible Soviet attack (Marcus, 54). Nervous about the loss of the territory, the Canad... ...d job creation to the infant government. Without economic sustainability, Nunavut will continue to be one of the poorest regions in Canada. If this is the case in future years, the language nor the traditions have much chance of surviving. Works CitedBrown, DeNeen L. Culture Corrosion in Canadas North Forced Into the Modern World, Indigenous Inuit Struggle to Cope. The Washington Post 16 July 2001, page A01. Marcus, Alan Rudolph. Relocating Eden The Image and Politics of Inuit Exile in the Canadian Arctic. Hanover, Dartmouth College Press, 1995, page 54.Matthiasson, John S. Living on the Land Change Among the Inuit of Baffin Island. Ontario, Broadview Press, 1992, pages 35-37.Nunavut The Story of Canadas Inuit People. Mapleleafweb Online. 2 meet 2002. <

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hard To Be Yourself :: Self Image Appearance Essays

Hard To Be YourselfHow many time have we heard the saying Dont judge by appearance? And how many times have we been thoroughly disappointed by appealing images of things and people? The answer is quite simple countless. And yet how many times do we catch ourselves staring in the mirror? And how many hours do we spend thinking about our image? The answer is once again very simple countless. The real question which arises is Why? Why do we care so much about how everyone else perceives us? And why do we always relate about our appearance? Why is it so important for us to show the world what we possess and how much we dirty dog afford, when in reality we know that appearances can be misleading? The answers to these questions are not simple at all. In fact, there are so many viewpoints on this rather controversial reduce that it is sometimes impossible to agree on one answer. It really depends on who is asking and who is being asked. In order to look deeper into these questions, som e important aspects of smell need to be taken into account. Take the media, for example. Doesnt it always show the most beautiful people in the world and the newest trends in fashion? Of course it does, thats its repair purpose. Everyone is curious about the magic makeup Cameron Diaz is wearing and about the most recent clothes designed by Versace. And we must not get slow with news on Nicholas Cages new cars or Jennifer Lopezs mansion. We get so involved in the lives and images of others that we start to fantasize about looking same(p) them and behaving like them. turn over of all the young girls today who would give anything to live the life of Britney Spears. And lets not forget about the boys who want to be strong and able to fight like The Rock. The media manipulates us and forces us to create goals of looking fabulous and possessing expensive things. It is so influential that we sometimes cant control these ideas and desires. That, in turn, leads to all those hours spent thinking which garnishee would impress the guys and what kind of car would attract more women. We start to believe that looks are all that matter, and whoever has an impressive appearance is set for life. Well, isnt this true?

Islam in morned times :: essays research papers

Mission Statement for The Study of Islam Section the American Academy of theologyThe American Academy of pietism is the worlds largest learned society and professional association of scholars and teachers in the field of religion. Through academic conferences, publications and a variety of program and membership services, the American Academy of Religion (AAR) fosters excellence in scholarship and teaching. It also aims to advance publication and scholarly communication on religion to welcome multiple perspectives on the reputation of religion to support racial, ethnic and gender diversity within the Academy and to seek ways to contribute to the public understanding of religion. The AARs annual meeting is held every division in late November and provides a lively and enabling context for free inquiry, disciplined reflection and scholarly exchange on the worlds religions. The Study of Islam section is cardinal of fourteen program units of the AAR and was officially recognized in 1986. It is one of the major sections of the AAR with a long-standing and committed participation of more than a hundred active members. iodin of the most diverse groups in the AAR, the sections presenters, panelists, and audience represent scholars at all stages of their academic careers. The section also features regular attendance and participation of international scholars from countries including Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia, southeast Africa, and China. The Study of Islam section serves as a forum for current research on Islam. The annual meeting of the AAR sponsors at least five sessions related to the study of Muslim faith and practice as well as additional individual presentations on Muslim topics in other program units and sessions. The cultural and lingual diversity, the regional and historical range, and the varieties of methodologies currently used in Islamic Studies make the sections offerings rich and diverse from year to year. The themes of the sessions fall unde r the following categories 1. The study of Islamic texts and scriptures2. The study of lived Islam in various regions and cultures3. Methodology and approaches to the study of Islam4. Issues such as gender, liberation theology, human rights5. Specializations within Islamic studies including Mysticism, Law, Theology, Philosophy, Shiism.Our policy is to encourage methodological sophistication, ideologic diversity and inter-disciplinary discussion in our program. Shared sessions with other program units of the academy have encompassed fields such as Islamic Ethics, Gender, Islamic and Judaic Studies, and Islam and academic Teaching, and the Study of Religion.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Gullivers Supposed English Superiority Essay -- essays papers

Gullivers Supposed English Superiority Gullivers typical Anglocentric Enlightenment views are best exemplified in Chapter 1 of Part IV of Gullivers Travels. The long paragraph, in which he describes his encounter with the Yahoos as well as the circumstances leading up to it, illustrates the climax of his Anglocentric views, after which his English vainglory begins to gradually degenerate and his desire to emulate the Houyhnyms arises. His English pride in this paragraph is demonstrated by his resolution to trade his life with the local Savages utilize Toys as his only means, his judgment of the Yahoos lack of comprehensive language ability, and his ever-present disgust for bodily functions. As the personation opens, Gulliver considers his situation and decides to interpret himself to the first Savages he should meet and purchase his life from them by some Bracelets, Glass Rings and other Toys, which Sailors usually provide themselves with in those Voyages. Despite a ll his previous(prenominal) voyages in which Gulliver encountered people who were not at all savage (and possibly more civilized than him), he automatically assumes again that people in territories immaterial of Europe will be inherently savage. Not only does he underestimate their level of civilization, but he then proceeds to assume that the indigenous people will be intellectually inferior when he believes he can buy his life with what he himself refers to as Toys. Gullivers belief, however, is not entirely grounded in arrogance because imperialistic powers did trade cheap jewelry with the Native Americans for furs or even land. Using this logic, Gulliver feels he can extend trading Toys for life. He feels that if they are dumb enough to trade furs f... ...e from the Houyhnhnms. The excrement itself is not the reason behind his pride. Nobody would want to be covered in it. The excrement, however, is the major instauration for Gullivers loathing for the Yahoos and he wou ld not have been so affected by it had he not lived in a society which is ashamed of its vivid processes. In his novel, Swift does not use the Yahoos to show the evil of man but rather, to show the potential for evil that man has. Gulliver, however, takes his notions of judgment, and presupposes his intellectual superiority which feels he confirms based on the Yahoos lack of language and their not-so-warmhearted welcome. As he gradually begins to believe that all humans are at the Yahoo level, however, his Anglocentric pride fades. Thus, this passage is effectively the last time we really see Gulliver act on his presupposed English notions.

Monday, May 27, 2019

A look at the death rates in the united states according to race Essay

Death Rates,Many of the termination rates in the United States whitethorn be explained, for example, why atomic number 18 the death rates of African Americans so high on homicide? Well, it is said that because most black people live in Urban areas or in what people call guetos (not necessarily all but a good amount) that means they usually live on these parlous places where death rates are pretty high making their victimology pretty high. Now if we combine this with the fact that most black men kill otherwise black men whether it is (usually because of gangs) then we can assume that the death rates of black men because of homicides is pretty high because they usually live on places that are very dangerous and controlled by gangs and most are killed by people of their own race (and some may argue too by police but thats another topic) which would explain these statistics and same could be explained for other races. Another example could be that many Americans (despite the differe nt racial groups) are presumable to die from heart disease, and that is because of the fast foods. In other words, if Americans would eat healthier instead of constantly going to fast foods and started to take care of themselves also by doing exercise then it wouldnt have to worry so much of dying from heart disease and those death rates among Americans will most probable decrease. The differences in the death rates are because of culture and the way people live their lives, so if a race, for example, lets maybe theres a high death rate of Hispanics because of kidney failure (this is an example it may not be true) then maybe the reason could be because they drink a lot of alcohol or something same with other types of diseases or may be ways of thinking. Maybe whites cant control their stress or are less likely to seek help when they have psychological problems which would explain the high death rates. I believe all of these differences in death rates are because of how each racial group decides to live and that is why in certain categories those death rates are high for the different racial groups.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Transport of Karachi

Karachi is the economic and financial hub of Pakistan generating approximately 53. 38% of the total subject field revenues. Approximately 75% of the creation travel in crime syndicate of low or low income groups while the rest represent middle or high income groups. Urban transportation scheme of Karachi has no mass transit brass and people rely mainly on bus services. The people on average take 13. 5 million motorised trips per day, of which 52% is made by exoteric transport. Urban pile Scheme and Karachi Circular Railway are major project deemed to relieve the congestions on the roads of the city.Only Urban Bus Scheme, however, has yet shown considerable activity on part of reality transport planning and implementation. This system lacks inter-modal integration and sustainability due to which this system has failed to cater to the growing telephone exchange demands of masses. This research study aims to investigate the demand and supply gap of the sector in light of ins titutional capacity to develop and maintain. Also, this study attempts to compare public transportation system of Karachi with comparable metropolis like Mumbai, Delhi and Beijing.In last, the study attempts to explore socio-economic reasons behind delay of Karachi Circular Railway. The study has adopted descriptive and thematic analysis approach to achieve the objectives. All the analysis, hereon, are done on secondary data gathered for the purpose. This study concludes that an integ putd, multi-modal and sustainable public transportation system can only be achieved by giving a holistic approach to planning, execution and capacity building of the sector. 1. 1Population Overview During the last 50 years, Pakistans population has increased from 33 million to 152. 3 million in FY 2005, thus, making Pakistan the s1- LITERATURE REVIEWeventh most populous country in the world (Karachi Mega Cities provision Project, 2005). fit to the 1998 Census Report, Karachi had a population of 9. 2 m illion in 1998 compared with 5. 2 million in 1981, a growth rate of 4. 5% per annum. In 1998 the field of study population was 130. 5 million, and that of the Sindh province 30. 4 million. Growth rates since 1981 were 2. 61% and 2. 80% respectively, indicating rapid urbanization in Karachi, which was also much higher than the bailiwick average growth for urban areas of 3. 5% and also for that of Sindh at 3. 52%. On this basis population in 2015 for Karachi would reach 20. 7 million and 26. 4 million in 2020. (Karachi Mega Cities Preparation Project, page 4, 2005) Karachi, the capital of Sindh is the commercial hub and the gateway of Pakistan. It generates approximately 53. 38% of the total collections of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR Report, 06-07). The city handles 95% of Pakistans foreign trade contributes 30% to Pakistans manufacturing sector and almost 90% of the head offices of the banks, financial institutions and multinational companies operate in Karachi.The countrys l argest stock exchange is Karachi-based, making it the financial and commercial center of the country. It also comprises about 40% of the total banking and insurance sector of the country. Karachi contributes 20% of GDP, adds 45% of the national value added, retains 40% of the total national employment in large scale manufacturing, holds 50% of bank deposits and contributes 25% of national revenues and 40% of provincial revenues. Karachi Mega Cities Preparation Project, page 3, 2005) The CDG (City District Government) of Karachi is divided into 18 zones or towns. These towns are governed by the town municipal administration.Each town administration is responsible for infrastructure and spatial planning, growth facilitation, and municipal services (water, sanitation, solid waste, repairing roads, parks, street lights, and traffic engineering) in a town, except those functions which are retained within the CDG. Intra-city transport now falls under the Local Government. Karachi Mass Tr ansit Cell, City District Government, 2006). Apart from in-migrants from Pakistans provinces, a large number of migrants from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and other South Asian countries give up settled in the city. With an average monthly household income of Rs. 15000, there is considerable variation in income distribution. Roughly 75 percent of the households fall in the category of poor and low income groups, and 25 percent constitute the middle and high income groups (Karachi Strategic Plan 2020, 2007).It is no longer possible to overlook the urban downslope in Pakistan. Streets are littered with waste, drains are overflowing with sewage, low-lying communities are inundated after rainfall, traffic congestion is ubiquitous, and the violent crime in urban centers is on the rise. The State either has divested from, or is no longer able to offer, reliable mass transit, good quality and affordable primary education, and healthcare. This has given the opportunity to the private sector t o take up ome of these roles (Vision 2030, 2006) 1. 2Transportation Facts And Figures The population of Karachi City District relies almost entirely on the road mesh for urban transportation. at that place is soon no mass transit system per se, although many commute using the network of bus routes.There are nearly 13. 5 million mechanized trips made each day within the CDGK area, of which 52 percent are made by public and 48 percent by private transport. There are 1. million registered fomites in Karachi (almost 50 percent of the national total) and private vehicles mainly motorcycles and cars now constitute 83 percent of total registered vehicles while buses and min-buses constitute only 1. 5 percent (Karachi Mega Cities Preparation Project, page 14, 2005). In 2002 the total registered vehicles and cars were growing at twice the growth rate of the population while the vehicle fleet is dominated by cars and motorcycles, which account for 92% of the vehicles as compared to 6% f or para-transit vehicles and 2% for public transport vehicles.The buses/minibuses are the most important mode of public transport in Karachi and better transport management strategies, service, accessibility, and affordability can help reduce the use of private vehicles (Urban Transport and Sustainable Transport Strategies, 2007). The intra-city road network has a radial pattern, consisting of a series of arterials, a few circumferential roads with inconsistent links and a disproportionately large number of topical anaesthetic and collector roads.In terms of connectivity, the network is deficient in secondary roads that provide feeder service to major thoroughfares. The weakness has basically arisen from the piece-meal development focused on residential schemes in the past (Karachi Strategic Plan 2020, 2007). The availability of public transport has not grown at the same rate as the population in Pakistani cities (Sohail et al. 2006). With growth rates for private vehicles at over 9 percent, there are now over 280 sensitive vehicles added to the streets of Karachi each day (Karachi Mega Cities Preparation Project, page 14, 2005).

Friday, May 24, 2019

Green Building Eco Friendly Fruit Juice Factory Environmental Sciences Essay

BOI approved an eco friendly fruit juice mill which has planned to take a shit within Green Building Concept making with LEED/ GBCSL platinum rate award in Monaragala City of Sri Lanka. Investor Mr. S.A. Siriwardan is a successful reputed man of aff agate lines in Sri Lanka. The site extent is about 10 estates confronting the River within forthcoming good natural environmental resorts. The TEAMS adviser ( Pvt ) Ltd has appointed for this undertaking to plan and Build and in any event LEED adviser. This study consist entirely carry oned necessary keys steps much(prenominal) as,Given below are the methods workoutd Minimal Disturbance to ecologyUnder this subject will be covered that how to minimise perturbation to ecology, such(prenominal) as Erosions and depository Control, Site cream, Alternative Transportation, Reduce Site Disturbance, Storm Water Design, Heat Island Effect, Light Pollution Reduction, Water competent Landscaping, Water wont Reduction, Regional Materials etceteraEnergy expertnessParticularly consider here to explicate increased Energy Efficiency based on 100 % bio bungle what is Biogas and in add-ons such as, Minimum Energy Performance, Controllability of Systems ( light and thermic pick up ) etc.Waste body of water and solid photocopy directionExpect here to explicate sustainable counterbalance weewee and solid waste direction system during the building and mill to employ within certain cardinal step such as, Waste body of water, and Solid waste direction.Hygienic environmentExpect here to explicate puritanical hygienic environment status to hold for plants and mill under green build.This study decision will be to identified/ understands through all accomplishment under green construct A sustainable long-last mill, Economically satisfaction, Environmental friendly, Employer satisfaction, Any investors nookie follow up to better or lift-up their mill concern, Signifi shagt aid to economic system development and tourer captivating force, villagers satisfaction and occupation chance to them when sustain.Table OF CONTENTExe disregardive SUMMERY 2a ) Minimum Disturbance to ecology 2B ) Energy Efficiency 2degree Celsius ) Waste water system and solid waste direction 2vitamin D ) Hygienic environment 2Table OF CONTENT 4Introduction 51. MATERIALS AND METHODS 61.1.What is green constructing construct? 61.2. How does it use? 61.3.Minimum Perturbation to ecology 61.3.1.Erosions and Sedimentation Control 61.3.2.Site Selection and Reduce Site Disturbance 71.3.3.Alternative Transportation 81.3.4.Storm Water Design 91.3.5.Heat Island Effect 91.3.6.Light Pollution Reduction 91.3.7.Water Efficient 101.3.8.Regional Materials 101.4. Energy Efficiency 111.4.1.What is energy strength? 111.4.2.What are alternate energy alcoholics and What is Biogas? 111.4.3.How does Biogas use to the mill? 121.4.4.Minimum Energy Performance 131.5.Waste H2O and solid waste direction 131.6. Hygienic environment 142.CONCLUTION AND RE COMMENDATION 153.REFERENCE/ BIBLIOGRHAPY 164.WORD find 16IntroductionMr. S.A Siriwardan is one of the successful refuted local investor BOI approved He intends to put a Fruit Juice Manufacturing Factory in Sri Lanka. Particularly his purpose is to construct the new-sp vagabondg(prenominal) mill based on green Building construct making with LEED/ GBCSL Platinum rate award.The site extend is approximative around 10 estates faces a River within available good natural environmental resorts, such as valuable trees and exuberant grazes, quality river H2O, uninterrupted daytime and public pass across system, and besides adult male operate traditional vas operate to traverse the Riva.The TEAMS adviser ( Pvt ) Ltd has appointed for this undertaking to plan and Build and I, A. Prasantha work as the petabyte adviser articulation with their design squad.This study consist entirely see indispensable keys step, such as Minimize perturbation to bing ecology , 100 % biogas for accessory ene rgy efficiency , Waste H2O intervention and solid waste direction and Completely hygienic environment .Expect to cover here fewer indispensable key concern, such as Increase the efficiency of H2O ( rain H2O storage armored combat vehicle for healthful and grace gardening intent ) , Energy ( Biogas for 100 % energy, natural visible radiation, heat decrease, alternate bulbs led bulb ) and Materials ( utilizing by native bamboo, doodly-squat, coconut trees lumbers, regional stuff river sand, eco bricks, cement stabilizer crushed rock roads, no picture, eco plaster etc. ) , Waste and blow H2O direction system ( biogas waste, landscaping waste, and mill waste as fertiliser ) with nothing emanation to protect the bing environment conditions and worker satisfaction ( encouragement, transport shuttle service ) , those proposal have considered to construct mentioning to the conditions and statutes which are cerebrate authorities institutes. to a fault borderline perturbation t o the native peoples and building procurance based on ICTAD status of contract, eventually by above figured green construct characteristics Mr. Client will come up long term and short term attractive benefits, such as high quality environmental friendly take and net income, employer satisfaction, sustainability of the investing for long last life.MATERIALS AND METHODSWhat is green constructing construct?Harmonizing to the Green edifice Council Sri Lanka Publication ( GBCSL 2010 ) noted, The construct of Green Buildings purposes at increasing the efficiency with which edifices use resources such as energy, H2O and stuffs while cut downing the impact of edifices on human wellness and its environing environment during its lifecycle, through better design, building, operation, care and removal and recycling of waste.How does it use?Expect to discuses utile methods and proposals within four types of cardinal steps such as, Minimum perturbation to ecology , Energy , Waste H2O and Solid waste direction, Hygienic environment .Minimal Disturbance to ecologyWorld house lifecycle retain based on all activities of nature. Any perturbations happen due to human activity. nett results will be unanticipated natural catastrophe. We should be carefully sing this characteristic when design and concept the mill to cut down perturbation to ecology. holloa mentioned characteristics are the peculiarly consider to success the purpose.Erosions and Sedimentation ControlHarmonizing to the leedsuser publication noted, (, GREEN SL AP ) Need to command darn wear away and to minimise negative impacts of waterway deposit and airborne dust coevals such as, prevent loss of dirt during building, shut off deposit of encounter cloaca or having rivulets or air pollution with dust and peculiar affair.Harmonizing to the site lift and bing status found, such as land lift is below 30 grade and run into river bank at land terminal, available native trees, following methods need to implement to accomplish the purpose. flap ridges utilizing available bowlders to forestall dirt wearings,Gabion walls to protect river bank,Rock lay down through the of course form storm H2O smugglers.Stormwater measure control with the customs of big stormwater detainment ponds to forestall overflow from the site.Form mediocre ditches to command flow of storm H2O.Water distributing method to forestall signifier dust during the building period.Expose stuffs need to cover, Ex. Bricks, Cements, sand and juiceless dirt hind end be covered utilizing coconut trees subdivisions or hana mats. . stay off waste H2O governance straight to the land or river,Avoid unneeded digging and orb film editing.Identify and design proper landscape gardening utilizing bing trees.Followed up Erosion and deposit programs UDA issued.In add-on, survey tea plantation land eroding and deposit control methods.Used methods for storm H2O control ( Tea plantation institute Sri Lanka , P.01 )Site Selection and Reduce Site DisturbanceWhen consider following indispensable records and dirges at design phase undertaking will accomplish sustain green construct.Obtain/ follow-up Site and location analysis study which is alert by propositional ingrained structure.District secretarial office records mentioning to the no inundation consequence occurred, non used for agricultural activates and no particular wild life wonts etc.No any other public acquisition refers to the issued LRC license. ( see fond regards )Need to Follow-up above circumstance to accomplish the purpose, eventually potbelly unclutter points for the green evaluation.Reduce Site Disturbance Existing natural countries to be conserved and to supply home ground and promote biodiversity need to reconstruct dishonored countries.As Identified to be conserved countries,River bank, native trees and species, such as, bamboo, Aticks braid,Existing trees along boundary of the land non necessary to take.Besi des protect gravel access route north E and west side, when harm during the building period or any other consequence.Public storm H2O overflow drains through the site,These needed to protect and reconstruct as stated.Alternate Transportation systemUnder this subject purpose is to cut down pollution and fuel cost from car usage here, thence identified cardinal masseurs as follows,Extensive usage of bikes to cut down emanations created by utilizing vehicles for transit.Native public transit system such as Paru service ( ferry ) , surely this is the valuable construct for workers, since river situated towards to the chief route ( Ferry is has made out of treated lumber without motor engine. This is the really greenness traditional method )Since this is 10 estates land, recommend to set up building workers impermanent huts and factory lasting staff quarts in side of the land at corner side to avoid car transit and to salvage work clip.Supply a shuttle service from site to public tra nsit Stationss, such as train station, bus terminus.Storm Water DesignWhen design, storm H2O system need due concern for increasing on site infiltration, by cut downing imperviable screen for limit break of natural H2O hydrology. Besides pollution of natural H2O flows by pull offing storm H2O overflow.Methods and systems have been discussed under eroding and deposit direction.Within above reference methods under eroding and deposit control and in add-on,Storm H2O can be used for irrigation.Heat Island EffectTo cut down heat islands consequence, to be concerned to minimise impact for microclimate, human and wildlife home ground.Avoid difficult landscape gardening system, such as cement rock pavement, asphalt roads or pathway, auto park steel screen roof.Use cement dirt stabilizer proficient methods for rods or pathway.Clay tiles or bricks for pavement,Grass screens for parking countries or exposed garden to cut down heat mirror image.Existing trees can be used to cut down heat conse quence. When design phase to be concerned for selected trees use cut down heat consequence.Solar contemplation should be minimal 75 % of roof surface stuff, low roof incline design, steep-sloped type roof.Certain roof country demand covered by grass at least 50 % of entire roof country.Light Pollution DecreaseMinimize light trespass from edifices, to be concerned cut down sky-glow ( increase dyed sky entree ) , glare decrease, and nocturnal environments perturbation by development impact.Particularly to be concederd here,Reduce the unneeded garden security visible radiations,Use low Watts bulbs to cut down high power brightness spreadersTraditional coppara lamps can utilize for garden visible radiation, street visible radiation, chief ingress visible radiation expect security intent visible radiation,Water EfficientUnder the H2O efficiency incensement, there are direct benefits such as, protection of environment, cost approach orchis,Water Efficient Landscaping/ Water Use Reduc tionNative workss used for the landscape to minimise the installing of a lasting irrigation system.Landscape privileged decorator to place local or adaptative works species that require small irrigation, to plan water-efficient irrigation systems, to turn to the possible usage of non-potable H2OWater-use decrease is a important component for whole undertaking to accomplish green construct points.Select low capacity cistern H2O cupboards, urinals, lavatory spigots, shower.Existing H2O lights-outs of lavatories and canteens and remainder suites, and urinals to be fitted with detectors type.Training should be arranged for staff get to understand sing H2O efficiency.Rain H2O collect and shop for usage healthful service, landscape demands.Regional MaterialsIdentified available stuffs in this country are bamboo lumber, brick, and sand debriss, ruddy crushed rock dirt demand to utilize them for decrease transit emanation, cut down cost of the undertaking, and as economically aid for boor ish trades.Cement-stabilized-earth paseos and roadsLocation stuff accounted for 40 % of stuff used for building.Encouragement of rural bargainers when used their productions and sell.Energy EfficiencyWhat is energy efficiency?Harmonizing to the definition of California Center for Sustainable Energy noted ( California Center, 2012 ) , Energy efficiency is the greatest nest eggs and public presentation obtained through an incorporate design procedure ( peculiarly for new building ) .Common countries of focal point include energy efficiency can assist Operating Costss decrease, Lower Care Costss, increase of Productivity & A minimising employee absenteeism, increase of production sale, diminishing edifice waste watercourses, Increase of marketplace recycled content stuffs, enhance of environmental quality & A diminishing pollution.What are alternate energy alcoholics and What is Biogas?These are few identified important methods in the cosmos as renewable energy.BiogasSolar PowerWin d stat misSea tideParticularly here intended to proposed biogas system to implement for needed 100 % energy.BiogasHarmonizing to the examine of Dicla Training Centre noted ( 2008-2012, Dicla Training Centre ) , Biogas is of course produced when any organic affair decomposes under anaerobiotic conditions ( in the absence of O ) . The gas consists chiefly of methane ( CH4 ) and C dioxide ( CO2 ) in about 32 ratios. Methane is the of import constituent, as it is a extremely flammable gas that can be utilized as fuel for cookery, illuming, H2O warmers and, if the sulfur is removed, it can be used to run biogas-fuelled generators to bring forth electricity.How does Biogas use to the mill?Identified waste stuffs, to merchandise 100 % power for the mill are,Fruit juice Production waste ( Fruits wastages )Landscaping and garden maintained wastages,Canteen and kitchen wastages.Sewage,AdvantagesProduces methane gas that can be used for,Cooking intents,Generate electricity,Water warming.It pr events methane gas from come ining the ambiance ( methane gas is 20 times more harmful to the environment than CO2 )It produces organic compost as waste merchandise ( in liquid, slurry or solid signifier )Biogases produce diagram, ( Dicla Training Centre, p12 )Within accomplishing sustainable energy efficiency can acquire economically and environmental benefits.Minimum Energy PerformanceAchieve increasing energy public presentation demand concern when design phase as follows reference standards Avoid CFC bring forthing equipments include to plan.Verify and guarantee that the full edifice is designed, constructed, and calibrated to run as intended.In add-on proposed to increase energy efficiency, red-hot H2O demand made available with a heat recovery system used in air-conditioningEnergy metres installed to supervise nest eggs at regular intervals.Energy efficient lighting and LED based undertaking visible radiations cut down the energy used for illuming.low energy shivery systemsTh e usage of eco bricks in building to assist keep a cool inside.Waste H2O and solid waste directionUnder this subject expect to suggest following methods to attain sustainable waste direction system to make the end when implement during the building and mill operations.Waste H2O Identified as waste H2O in this undertaking are, Factory disposal H2O, dining and kitchen disposal H2O, Toilet and bathroom disposal H2O, Air conditional machine disposal H2O, biogas generator disposal H2O, vehicle rinsing bay disposal H2O,Construction of a waste H2O intervention works and usage of treated H2O for irrigation intents in the dry season.Particularly non to be diverted any waste H2O in to the river or public roads, land, privet lands or belongings.Waste storage constructed to promote storage and separationism of recyclables.Solid waste direction Fruits merchandise waste during the mill functioning period, building waste, landscaping waste, biogas waste, sewage, canteen, kitchen etc.70 % of bu ilding waste diverted to landfill, such(prenominal) as extra excavated dirt, timber off cuts and roots, tree subdivisions, and balance of lumber.Reinforcement waste, removed trees, valuable stuff which are remained after the building those shall used for propose impermanent hut, auto park security huts etc.Construct storm H2O retains, retaining walls, debriss pave through storm H2O drains to cut down eroding utilizing extra stuffs.As identified excavated ruddy crushed rock dirt due to foundation digging and Earth film editing can be used for doing cement dirt stabilizer brick, plaster and roads surface.Need to supply proper rubbish bins for plastic, paper, floras, steel, such as used wooden loge received machinery, building stuff.Biogas waste straight to be used as fertiliser for fruits works in above proposed, landscape militant,In add-ons, extra waste can be used for compost production hence it can be usage for landscaping plants and fruit planting.Besides design shall follow harmonizing to the regulations and ordinance of urban council.Hygienic environmentPeoples need healthy, safety and comfy life for obtain a sustainable productiveness, therefore necessary to concern following cardinal points to increase proper hygienic environment under the green construct,To be concerned to better indoor air quality by extra outdoor air air system.Implement regulations for fume prohibit in side of the edifice and supply designated smoking country at least 10m off from Windowss, doors, out-of-door air consumption, and gross country inside the edifice.Install lasting monitoring systems for provide feedback on airing system public presentation.Monitor CO2 concentrations within countries.Indoor air contaminations measure needs to cut down ( odorous, irritating, and harmful ) .Supply a comfy thermic environmentPromote societal authorization, community engagement and entree.Besides demand to see minimise unneeded sound which is generated from building equipments.All pro posals have considered in regard to the conditions and ordinances which are related authorities institutes. Besides minimal perturbation to the native peoples and building procurance based on ICTAD status of contract through the above proposed green construct characteristics Mr. Client will derive long term and short term attractive benefits.CONCLUTION AND RECOMMENDATIONUltimately study comes to decisions which are identified/ understand within study. All achievement under green construct Client have satisfactory addition within a sustainable mill of long-lasting,Economically satisfaction.Environmental friendly.Employer satisfaction and good encouragement to work.Other investor can follow up to improved or lift-up their mill concern.Country wise will hold important aid to economic system development.Tourist attractive force and usage for publicity.Villagers satisfaction and occupation chance to them when sustain.And besides this study recommends a new solar works for mill energy if any flutter to biogas system, Education and developing coder which is related to production, needs to implement, and authorities should go to to encourage/ spread this construct all around state.REFERENCE/ BIBLIOGRHAPYhypertext broadcast protocol //,www.diclatraining.comwww.anaerobic-digestion.comhypertext transfer protocol //www.leeduser.comhypertext transfer protocol //www.srilankagbc.orgWORD COUNTWord count 2565 No s ( Excludes front page, Executive Summery, Table of content, Reference & A Bibliography )

Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Bump On Tobacco Road

In North Carolina, the governor may be the top public mangleicial, but for the past 200 historic period baccy has been king. The recount grows half of all the tobacco in the United States, and the original cash crop remains its economic backbone.But beginning next month, North Carolina will be home to one of the nations toughest youth pot laws, with a ban on tobacco use in public school days. Most students cant smoke at school anyway, but the law applies to everyone on campus, year-round parents in the stands at football games, maintenance crews in the school garage, teachers in the parking lot.Getting the law passed was no mere(a) feat in a state that still depends on pile lighting up. North Carolina spends just 4 percent of its annual $426 million of tobacco r as yetue on smoking prevention (less than half the minimum federal recommendation), and, at 35 cents, maintains one of the countrys lowest cigarette taxes. In all, it took six years of local advocacy and the votes of all 115 of the states school boards.It wasnt easy, says Mark Ezell, the states tobacco-free-campus director. I got called a Nazi a few times. Health advocates who want the state to go further are likely to be called a few more things.Source Philips, M. (2008) A Bump On Tobacco Road Newsweek Online online available from http// August 3, 2008The article I chose has the topic of smoking ban on schools on North Carolina. It is a landmark case on the massive efforts of different groups and individuals to educate the youth on the health risks of smoking. Although there is already an existing law that prohibits smoking of the students in their school premises, the new law was tougher and stricter in sense.For smoking is now a derive ban on schools through out the state, not only for the youth but also for the teachers, employees or even ordinary visitors. This will ward off any attempts, influences or temptations of the youth to smoke by seeing their teachers or a dults doing the same thing. This is also a daring step of the state authorities even though they will be having a tough battle against big multinational cigarette companies.The article shows that smoking among the youth is a big problem. backside companies usually on their marketing strategies targets teens, encouraging them to smoke on an early age. If they will be hooked on their youth on smoking, it will be difficult for them to quit smoking while growing, and this means a big sum of money for the cigarette companies. Moreover, smoking is usually introduced by peers on heights schools. They usually try smoking because of curiosity, peer pressure or simply they just thought that it is cool to smoke, like the Marlboro Man.Companies and their marketing arms promote smoking as part of the youth culture, that smoking should be experienced by every youth and that smoking is a requisite for them to belong on a group. Furthermore, even if smoking is prohibited for students on their sch ool grounds, but visitors, teachers and other school staff are allowed to do so, the students will juts simply skepticism such policies.Why they are not allowed to smoke inside school yet non-students are allowed. So it means, smoking are only banned inside, but allowed foreign school premises.And even worst, they will have the perception that when they reach adult age, they are already legally allowed to smoke. Lastly, anti-smoking campaigns will be only effective if the people behind it will not only focus their efforts on lobbying to the proper authorities to pass ordinances or laws on prohibiting smoking on public places or schools. They should also intensify their campaign on educating not only the youth, but everybody, on the illnesses and ill-effects of cigarettes on our health.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Good and Bad Teachers Essay

I would like to say that I did have some handsome teachers and some earnest ones. I would like to start with the good teachers I had in the foregone and the ones I have now. I had about 5 good teachers in the past that were very good to me and my class. Those teachers were good because they would give us parties every time the whole class gets an A. They would give us free time when we needed it, they would allow us play bingo beside on the lesson we were having). I gave about 6 good teachers this year, well so far they are good to me and the class. Of course you are one of them although I only get to talk to you on Thursdays and Mondays, but because you let me do some liaisons over I would say that you are a good teacher, well online teacher, but lets get back to school teachers the other 5 are good because they know when to give us tests and quizzes, but there is one in particular that is already planning a part for when we finish the part of a book were taking.The others are also good because the give us what we need and want. Now I will talk about the bad teachers. In the past I had 4 bad teachers, I am not that type of person that likes to point figures but here it goes, I think that they are bad because they give us withal much work for our little hands to take care of and all day is work and work. They did not like it when we said something wrong they would put us outside of the class and if that did not work then they would literally tape on our mouth, but lucky me I never talked during that teachers fulfilment so that never happened put to me.This year I have 3 bad teachers, I think that they are bad because every time the full class fails that teacher blames it on the students and some of us tell that teacher that it is not our fault, if the whole class failed that means that, that teacher did not teach us very good or the test was not based on what teacher had thought us. I know that is not a nice thing to do to us as students. The other tea chers they either just over do it with classwork and homework. I know what you are thing Ms. Harvard we need that work, and I could not agree more with you but these teachers just give us the unneeded things.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

No Homework Essay

No Homework Homework, we all hate it, it went from being just 3 or 4 questions to 15 to 20 questions. Homework has historically been given to students to help them remember what they learn at schoolhouse, and ultimately to help them learn the material better. However, too much homework is non good, and buns be bad for the student. Too much time spent on completing homework can take aside from a barbarians social life, family time, and limits participation in sports or other activities. The amount of homework a teacher can give to a student should be limited, and only assigned if absolutely needed.A famous author named Tamim Ansary said that since 1981, the homework for the average sixth grader has increased by more than 50 percent. some(prenominal) teachers are for puffy amounts of homework, claiming that it helps prepare students for a world that is becoming increasingly competitive. However, excessive amounts of homework can be harmful to kids both physically and mentally. A lot of homework usually means a lot of books to carry. Carrying large amounts of weight daily at a young age can do a lot of damage because bones are still in development.The large amount of homework is causing kids in both high school and middle school to be up until midnight or later. When other activities such as sports and clubs are added to the picture, kids may even have to wake up ahead of time the next morning to finish their homework, leaving them with non enough sleep. When busy work assignments are given frequently, it causes students to lose interest in the subject. Negative results can also occur when a student is not able to complete his or her homework. Many times they will resort to copying homework, having others do their assignments, or cheating on tests.The use of homework is effective when used by the rule less is more. Overwhelming kids with homework can cause them stress. Homework takes away from the small amount of time kids get to spend with their parents and siblings. A limit on their physical and social activities can also take a large toll on their lives, and could hurt their health. Homework is good at times, but not all the time. Some teachers just pile on the homework and not think about what the student is going through. The time that we get to ourselves should be used to rest after a long day, bond with family, and participate in physical activities.

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Russian Revolution

a) From source A I go off learn that the tzar was bungling and disorganised, as source A realms Nicholas II was in truth poorly prepared for the responsibilities of being the tsar.. I can also learn that due to the Tsars ignorance of politics and the people of Russia, he couldnt make the right decisions to help the solid ground. blood A suggests that Tsar Nicholas II wasnt very popular, due to the fact he didnt know how to run the verdant or help the people in need of financial and medical support (the lower classes and peasants). I can also suggest from bug A that the whole country was in disarray, that no-one was equal because Tsar Nicholas II didnt know how to run the country or make the desperately needed decisions that would benefit the country as a whole.b) Source C and A support each other because both state that Tsar Nicholas II was unfit to reign Russia. They say that he was ignorant of the necessary knowledge undeniable to regulating the country, this ignorance wa s the key reason for his downfall. However they both resist slightly. Source C says that the fact Tsar Nicholas II was useless as a ruler was not his fault he was apparently intelligent, nigh and courageous but was wholly ignorant of government matters. The source was taken out of the Tsars sisters diary, so she, no matter how bad things got with the Tsar, would still stick up for him. Whereas Source A is taken from a text edition written about Russia, therefore they need not show any compassion for the Tsar so they can write just the facts.Source C and B support each other because in source C the Tsars sister says that the Tsar was still popular in the years before 1914 and in source B it shows a photograph of Tsar Nicholas II with is many supporters celebrating the 300 years of rule of the Romanov family, showing that he still had support when the picture was taken in 1913. Source C and B differ from each other because in Source C, the Tsars sister says that Nicholas wasnt a go od ruler of Russia, and that he was trained as a soldier not as a statesman. Yet in Source B, he is shown surrounded by his many supporters cheering him and his whole family. Surely if they didnt like him then they wouldnt be happy he was in power, (however, there are probably only the upper classes involved in the celebration as the Tsar hasnt done anything to anger them whereas he didnt treat the lower classes well at all.)Overall I think that that Source A and C support each other the roughly as both say that the Tsar was incompetent as a ruler of Russia, and differ from each other only very slightly. Further much I think that Source B and C differ from each other the most because in Source C the Tsars sister says that he wasnt a very good ruler and in Source B he is being shown as a undischarged ruler surrounded by his cheering supporters.c) I can learn from source D that the port Tsar dealed with those who opposed his way of ruling the country was with violence and death. As Source D shows strikers killed by the police. This Source is reliable because it is a photograph, and you can see the workers dead on the ground and police members rest round them. It could be a hoax, with people pretending to be dead, but is highly unlikely to be one.I can learn from Source E that the people felt that the government was not making the right choices, and that they were being forced into forming revolutionary groups by the government. This sources reliability could be questioned as it was written by a party opposing the Tsar as a address, so the aim of the speech was to pull people against the current Tsarist government and to support theirs. Also, as it was written as a speech its meant to persuade and motivate the listeners, so some aspects of it may have been exaggerated.Overall, I think that Source E is more useful in telling us how discontented the people were with the Tsarist government, as its more detailed in its explanation and shows human emotion on the situation. However, I believe that Source D is the more reliable of the two as, because its a photo, we can be sure the events captured on film rattling happened.


David Chicago, special thanks for believing in this proposal from the start to this far. Cannot forget my second supervisor, Mr.. Sammie. You halt been a great role model to me doneout my wrinkle. Thank you for your support. I silk hatow your guidance and encouragework forcet above and beyond the c solely of duty. Im indebted to my family for wholly their support. May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you, my love to all of you in Christ Jesus, A men. really special thanks also to all my classmates and my fri terminals Pascal, Antonym and Denis for expert advice and the cold hard truth over the see to it idea.Abstract The way notices are being communicated in various organizations is turning digital as opposed to the tralatitious method of sticking posters all-over. This is implemented best with the use of the thriving mobile technology where authorized sight derriere receive notices in their mobile phones via Short Message Service (SMS), email or notifications on their social network accounts. However, a great number of organizations give not yet realized this activity of technology and are still working on conventional platforms much(prenominal) as posters, messengers etc.This is largely because of pretermit of a platform that impacts the needs of both organizations as well as individuals with regard to communication of notices. Also, in most of these organizations, the notice visiting card system(s) has had various problems much(prenominal) as congestion of outdated information such that one cannot locate useful information easily some notices are plucked down/ extraneous before all intended person has had a chance to read them etc.This project aims at offer a solution to overcome the current desperate approaches through developing an electronic notice bestride system to help organizations such as Mom university communicate their notices effectively. The distinctive features of the end-system exit convey the deployment of CIT and it s implications at heart organizations such as Mom University. The companying, among other objectives were adopted for the reject analyze the current notice dining table system(s), identify the challenges in communication of notices, and develop SMS, email, and later social networks- driven, highly customizable e-notice come along platform for push-down list use.The project was significant to Mom University, other organizations and the general public, because based on literature re emplacement, barely a few organizations in the universe of discourse such as Distillates of Nigeria and Firepower Ministries International (FM) in the Northeast of America have implemented this technology in regard to communication of notices. Research was based on a quality study in Mom University Main Campus (MUMS), School of Information Sciences. This lineament study has been chosen because inwardly MUMS, all schools, clubs and other groups of megabuckses use posters or banners in cabaret to communicate notices to their members.The study allow for target around 50 respondents of which a sample size of 15 was included in the study. unsophisticated random sampling and judgmental strategy methods were utilize Main tools of data collection included interviews questionnaires and observations. The excerption of these tools are preferred because they volition guide the nature of data to be collected, mime availability as well as guiding the objectives of the study. Data collected was examined, categorized and tabulated into various frequency tables and percentages to help in the analysis of information.REPORTMake up is normally utilise by women but also it can be used by men as well. Of course, this applies to different policies that e genuinely country has. Culture, civilization, tradition, customs and religion, to parent just a few. For instance, men in countries like Greece do not tend to wear come upon up, unlike other countries in which the young-begetting(pr enominal) population is more open-minded and cultured. France and Italy are interpreters of countries in which men usually wear soak up up. Beauty is a personal issue and master to different tastes. However, every man yearns seduction, passion, romance, beauty and love.For this reason, here must be a high-end fill up product that leave behind be used only from men. Market presents a overleap nowadays in high end products that apply to the beauty of men and this result in the launch of a prestigious rising come across up devoted to the male population expression industry is one of the most interesting ones. Fashion mobs come always with extravagant and attractive ideas in bless to lure consumers. One of the most opulent and best selling products that nearly every fashion house has to display is the make up.Make up is used mostly by women, but not anymore. comport is going to launch an amazing make up only for men. It provide be improve and for sure a great success stor y as the first make up used only by men appears to make a considerable dream come true for the men around the world. path family line is a great make up only for male consumers around the world. Inspired by the passion for freedom of Gabrielle Channel, the Channel piece of music Creation Studio has designed Channel Home, a new spirit of organization that is simple and perfect at the same time.Free like a breath of fresh air and spontaneous like the perfect getaway. Each mans intuition guides the brush as it sweeps across the face to create a personalized makeup result intensified with each sweep f the brush. Its five luminous and natural shades denounce an amazing make up result. Channel Home is recognized from its ultra-protective formula, enriched with cotton flower and white move up plant cells that become one with the skin. It is gentle on all skin types, even the most sensitive.The make up Channel Home is going to include in its better-looking package, the glow make up foundation as well as a natural master key mini kabuki blush that promises colossal results just like you have your own make up artist on your home. The first Channel Home ever created, reveals the healthy glow of each male ND provides a sensation of lightness, upbeat and freshness. The mini kabuki blush is going to be a half-moon powder brush made of deoxycytidine monophosphate% natural hair which definitely makes the coating look more sublime and give it a professional look as well to the face of the elegant male.Moreover, Channel Home features an iconic Channel urge on case that promises that the elegant male population go out simply love it. Its big mirror, with a bigger inclination angle, and its powder brush make for an easier application. Coco Channel once said In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different room the others and this make up is barely for those men who always try and are at the top of the world and who always seek new ways of impressing peo ple and themselves as well. It is for those who take it for granted that real beauty comes from inside and derives from a very special individuality.Channel Home is going to be in a beautiful package seducing every male and tempting him from the first minute with its immaculate package. This package is going to have at the top of it, the logotype of Coco Channel, a fashion house that knows bump than anyone else what elegance and free style mean, due to the agenda Of its founder Gabrielle Channel. As the other products of Coco Channel that are globally being sold, Channel Home make up get out be put in a gorgeous white infrastructure with black letters that will write the fashion houses name with capital letters.Channel Home foundation will be oval in shape, with the logo at the top and also the mini kabuki blush will bring the logo of the fashion house at the top and the name of the make up at its bottom. Packaging of all the make up products Channel Home will take place in Fran ce and they will be made there as well. Channel Home will be an unshared product for hoses few around the world. Such exclusivity leads to a price that brings the number of two hundred Euros . If course this price might differ from a country to another one and it might be subject of different taxes and VAT that apply to the products.As it concerns the locations that the demanding men will be able to find the ultra and leaf blade new Channel make up, they can be found on the boutiques of Channel around the orb in big cities, renowned resorts and fashion capitals. Manhattan, London, Paris, Milan, Rome, Churchgoer 1 850 and many more. Moreover, it will be offered the orifice f distribution of the product to the place of their customers choice. More specifically, men will be able to order this magnificent foundation either from the official website of Channel or by contacting the most convenient to them, computer storage in order to arrange a delivery at their home.That, surely pro mises more orders of the make up and gives the possibility to its customers to have their foundation arrived at their easiness and comfort to their place. Channel is a fashion house synonymous of luxury and style. The new Channel Home make up is going to be promoted through seductive and beautiful immemorial. Those commercials will be viewed at the television and Of course through the official website of the house. The ad campaign will include a new fresh man beautiful and elegant that will demonstrate the product.The plot of the campaign is going to include a man that its character is always to live on the normal nature he is incomparable and invariably seeks new ways of transforming himself in someone better and even more unique. He is falling in love with a photographer, with whom they meet under a hot romantic late evening in equipoise, the most picturesque place in Italy. They meet at Splendid Hotel, and they share passionate moments and till the times goes by, the photograp her suggests to his new lover to follow him to the beach. They kiss under the moon, and the moon says CHANNEL FOREVER.Then they make a stroll down the amazingly gorgeous piazza at mid dark. The kiss again in a more passionate way outside of the Channel boutique. The clock says that it is twelve oclock when the street is becoming wider and wider when millions of men show up with the new Channel Home make up in their hands. The advertisement will close with a panoramic view of Proportion as seductive as it can be at midnight while the ocular men will take a bath nude at the rocky beach at night in a very provocative way kissing each others bodies.The advertisement will be very provocative and sensual at the same time.. Other promotional activities will include hiring the best actors and actresses in order to display the new foundation yet at the most provocative and beautiful at the same time way. The locations that the campaign will take place, are Cannes, Staten Cap Ferret Proportio n and Paris during a hot August evening. Addressing the issue of competition, fashion houses are renowned from its customers around the world for their make up.For example the Parisian fashion house of Christian Dior haste launched a new foundation, very luxurious and with the most immaculate look than it has ever before proposed. Of course, this powder can be used both from women and men for sheer professional look just like feeling the catcalling spirit. Another example responds to La Prairie, which is getting ready to launch also a new make up that will be made of the finest ingredients that make it perfect and smooth. However, Channel Home is the first make up only for men. That means that is convenient, fresh, easy-to- wear and suitable for all type of skins of men.ReportDavid Chicago, special thanks for believing in this project from the start to this far. Cannot forget my second supervisor, Mr.. Sammie. You have been a great role model to me end-to-end my course. Thank you f or your support. I bestow your guidance and encouragement above and beyond the call of duty. Im indebted to my family for all their support. May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you, my love to all of you in Christ Jesus, Amen. genuinely special thanks also to all my classmates and my friends Pascal, Antonym and Denis for expert advice and the cold hard truth over the project idea.Abstract The way notices are being communicated in various organizations is turning digital as opposed to the traditional method of sticking posters all-over. This is implemented best with the use of the thriving mobile technology where authorized people can receive notices in their mobile phones via Short Message Service (SMS), email or notifications on their social network accounts. However, a great number of organizations have not yet realized this application of technology and are still working on traditional platforms such as posters, messengers etc.This is largely because of lack of a platform th at meets the needs of both organizations as well as individuals with regard to communication of notices. Also, in most of these organizations, the notice board system(s) has had various problems such as congestion of outdated information such that one cannot locate useful information easily some notices are plucked down/ outside before every intended person has had a chance to read them etc.This project aims at oblation a solution to overcome the current desperate approaches through developing an electronic notice board system to help organizations such as Mom university communicate their notices effectively. The distinctive features of the end-system will convey the deployment of CIT and its implications inwardly organizations such as Mom University. The following, among other objectives were adopted for the reject analyze the current notice board system(s), identify the challenges in communication of notices, and develop SMS, email, and later social networks- driven, highly cust omizable e-notice board platform for mass use.The project was significant to Mom University, other organizations and the general public, because based on literature review, only a few organizations in the world such as Distillates of Nigeria and Firepower Ministries International (FM) in the Northeast of America have implemented this technology in regard to communication of notices. Research was based on a case study in Mom University Main Campus (MUMS), School of Information Sciences. This case study has been chosen because within MUMS, all schools, clubs and other groups of people use posters or banners in order to communicate notices to their members.The study will target around 50 respondents of which a sample size of 15 was included in the study. childly random sampling and judgmental strategy methods were used Main tools of data collection included interviews questionnaires and observations. The alternative of these tools are preferred because they will guide the nature of d ata to be collected, mime availability as well as guiding the objectives of the study. Data collected was examined, categorized and tabulated into various frequency tables and percentages to help in the analysis of information.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Factors Influencing Working Capital Essay

The work gravid needs of a planetary house are determined and influenced by various factors. A massive variety of considerations may affect the quantum of work capital required and these considerations may vary from while to time. The works capital needed at one point of time may not be unsloped enough for some other situation. The determination of workingss capital need is a continuous knead and must be under siren on a regular basis in the light of the changing situations. by-line are some of the factors which are relevant in determining the working capital needs of the firm1. Basic Nature of Business The working capital emergency is closely related to the nature of the furrow of the firm. In case of a retail shop or a trading firm, the amount of working capital required is small enough. Most of the transactions are undertaken in cash and the length of the direct cycle is generally small. The trading concerns usually have smaller needs of working capital, however, i n certain(p) cases, large inventories of goods may be required and consequently the working capital may be large. In case of financial concerns (engaged in financial business) at that place may not be stock of goods nevertheless these firms do have to affirm sufficient liquidity all the times.In case of manufacturing concerns, different types of proceeds processes are performed. One unit of raw material introduced in the production schedule may take a long occlusion before it is available as finished goods for sale. Funds are jam not only in raw materials but also in labor expenses and overheads at every stage of production. The operating cycle is usually a longer one and sales are do generally on point of reference cost. So, in case of manufacturing concerns, there is a requirement of substantial working capital.2. Business Cycle Fluctuations Different phases of business cycle i.e., boom, recession, recovery etc. also affect the working capital requirement. In case of boom conditions, inflationary pressure appears and business activities expand. As a result, the boilersuit need for cash, inventories etc. increases resulting in more and more funds blocked in these current assets. In case of recession period however, there is usually a dullness in business activities and there allow foring be an opposite effect on the direct of working capital requirement. There will be a fall in inventories and cash requirement etc.3. Seasonal Operations If a firm is operating in goods and services having seasonal fluctuations in demand, then the working capital requirement will also fluctuate with every change. In a cold drink factory, the demand will certainly be higher during summer season and therefore, more working capital is required to maintain higher production, in the form of larger inventories and bigger receivables. On the other hand, if the operations are unagitated and even through out the year then the working capital requirement will be constant and will not be affected by the seasonal factors.4. Market Competitiveness The market place competitiveness has an important bearing on the working capital needs of a firm. In passel of the competitive conditions prevailing in the market, the firm may have to offer liberal faith wrong to the customers resulting in higher debtors. Even larger inventories may be maintained to serve an order as and when received otherwise the customer may go to some other supplier. Thus, the working capital tends to be high as a result of greater investment in inventories and receivable. On the other hand, a monopolistic firm may not require larger working capital. It may ask the customers to stick out in advance or to wait for some time after placing the order.5. Credit Policy The credit polity means the totality of terms and conditions on which goods are sold and purchased. A firm has to move with two types of credit policies at a time. One, the credit policy of the supplier of raw materials, goo ds etc., and two, the credit policy relating to credit which it extends to its customers. In both the cases, however, the firm while deciding its credit policy, has to take care of the credit policy of the market. For example, a firm might be purchasing goods and services on credit terms but selling goods only for cash. The working capital requirement of this firm will be tear down than that of a firm which is purchasing cash but has to sell on credit basis.6. Supply Conditions The time taken by a supplier of raw materials, goods etc. after placing an order, also determines the working capital requirement. If goods are received as soon as or in a short period after placing an order, then the purchaser will not like to maintain a high level of inventory of that good. Otherwise, larger inventories should be kept e.g., in case of imported goods. It is often seen that the shopkeepers may not be keeping stock of all items, but whenever there is a demand, they procure from the wholesaler / manufacturer and supply it to their customers.Thus, the working capital requirement of a firm is determined by a phalanx of factors. Every consideration is to be weighted relatively to determine the working capital requirement. Further, the determination of working capital requirement is not once a while exercise, rather a continuous limited review must be made in order to assess the working capital requirement in the changing situation. There are various reasons which may require the review of the working capital requirement e.g., change in credit policy, change in sales volume etc.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Agar Jelly Experiment Report

AimTo find out the speed of distribution in agar jelly, when there are tercet blocks of jelly of different sizes.MaterialA container with agar jelly, caoutchouc goggle, knife, ruler, stop watch, a trumpery plate, sodium hydroxide, an indicator.MethodFirst, we took the block of agar jelly from the container. We placed it onto the glass plate, and took our knife and ruler. We measured and discern the block, making three cubes of different measurements. The smallest one is 1cm by 1cm by 1cm, the punt one is 2cm by 2cm by 2cm, and the biggest one is 3cm by 3cm by 3cm. We then dropped a few drops of the indicator. Next, we effect our safety goggles on, and took the beaker full of sodium hydroxide, and poured it into the glass plate, which the cubes are in.At the same time, we started the stop watch. We adage everything, the cubes, sodium hydroxide turn pink (thats because sodium hydroxide reacted with the indicator). When the stop watch showed 5 minutes, we took the cubes, and cut all of them in half. Then we measured the distance from the mount, to the line where the pink and the fair color separate, desire on the diagram, using our ruler. We recorded what we saw, and the results.ResultsWe saw the cubes turn pink, and the sodium hydroxide turn pink on the plate. We also saw, when we cut the cubes that the pink color travelled into the cube, and we saw that at a certain point, there was the separation of pink from the surface, to white, the color of agar jelly. Like I said, we measured the distance between the surface to where the separation line of pink and white color was. This is what we got1cm*1cm*1cm 4mm2cm*2cm*2cm 4mm3cm*3cm*3cm 4mmAlthough they were all 4mm, we saw that the smallest cube was almost all diffused, almost everything was pink. And we saw that the biggest cube was not at all completely diffused most of it was white inside the cube.Speed of Diffusion=Distance/Time4mm/5minutes=0.8mm/minuteConclusionsFrom this experiment, I well-educated these thingsFirstly, I learned that the pink color traveled into the cube, because of diffusion. Diffusion is when particles move from an area of high concentration to an area of depression concentration. So in this experiment, the sodium hydroxide diffused from the high concentrated area (which is the surface of the cube, as sodium hydroxide was poured onto the cube) to low concentrated area (inside the cube). I also learned that even if you flip-flop the volume, or the surface area of the agar jelly, the speed in diffusion doesnt change. As you can cast from the results, no matter the size of the cube, the sodium hydroxide diffused at the same speed. The speed of diffusion can be calculated by distance/time. In this experiment, we saw that the distance which the sodium hydroxide traveled was 4mm, and the time we used was 5 minutes. So, 4mm/5min= 0.8mm/minute.Because the speed doesnt change, the smaller the cube, the faster itll get completely diffused.From this experiment, I ca n expect that 1cm*1cm*1cm cube jelly will be completely diffused in 6minutes 15seconds, because 1cm/0.8mm*2=6.25min. (times 2 because it diffused from the top and the bottom). In the same way, I calculated that 2cm*2cm*2cm cubed jelly will be completely diffused in 12.5minutes and 3cm*3cm*3cm jelly in 18.75minutes. You can see that 2cm*2cm*2cm jelly will memorise twice as much time as 1cm cubed one and 3cm*3cm*3cm jelly will take three times as much time as the 1cm cubed block.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Luxury and the Montblanc brand Essay

It is generally acknowledged that western consumption of prodigality in the 1980s and 1990s was motivated primarily by status-seeking and appearance. This means that social status associated with a brand is an important factor in conspicuous consumption. The baby boom generation luxury consumer has a passion for self-indulgence while maintaining an iconoclastic world view, which is transforming the luxury market from its old conspicuous consumption model to a totally in the buff, laissez-faire(a) type of luxury consumer one driven by new needs and desires for experiences .The expression of todays luxury is about a celebration of personal creativity, expressiveness, intelligence, fluidity, and above all, meaning. LUXURY AND POSTMODERNISM Recent arguments have been sounded that aspects of coeval luxury consumption have reflected the phenomenon of postmodernism. Postmodernity means very different things to many different people. Postmodernism is essentially a western philosophy that refers to a break in thinking away from the modern, functional and reasonable. In terms of experiential marketing, two aspects of the postmodern discourse are most relevant hyper-reality and image.Hyper-reality refers to the blurring of specialization between the real and the unreal, in which the prefix hyper signifies more(prenominal) real than real. When the real that is the environment, is no longer a given, but is reproduced by a simulated environment, it does not become unreal, but realer than real. The example of Bollywood to embellish the so-called Disneyfication of reality within the context of contemporary Indian society Bollywood captures not only the inclination in the form of song, music and dance but fairy tale settings, romantic melodrama and heroic storylines run through the viewer in simulated reality.Traditional marketing was developed in response to the industrial age, not the information, branding and communications revolution we are facing today. In a new age, with new consumers, we need to shift away from a features- and-benefits arise, as advocated by traditional approaches to consumer experiences. One such approach is experiential marketing, an approach that in contrast to the rational features-and-benefits view of consumers takes a more postmodern orientation, and views them as emotional beings concerned with achieving pleasurable experiences.EXPERIENTIAL LUXURY MARKETING When a person buys a service, he purchases a set of intangible activities carried out on his behalf. But when he buys an experience, he pays to spend snip enjoying a series of memorable events that a company stages to engage him in a personal way. existential marketing is thus about taking the essence of a product and amplifying it into a set of tangible, physiological and interactive experiences that reinforce the offer.Experiential marketing essentially describes marketing initiatives that give consumers in-depth, tangible experiences in baseball club to ply them with sufficient information to make a purchase decision. It is clear that the fact that many luxury goods are almost always experiential puts luxury marketers in a unique position to chip in the principles of experiential marketing to their activities. Dimensions of the luxury experience The term involvement refers to the level of inter-activity between the supplier and the customer. change magnitude levels of involvement fundamentally change the way in which services are experienced, that is, suppliers no longer pull in an experience and pass it to the customer instead, the supplier and customer are interactively co-creating the experience. The term intensity refers to the perception of the military strength of feeling towards the interaction. The four experiential zones are not intended to be mutually exclusive the greatness of an experience is, however, a function of the degree to which all four zones are incorporated.Those experiences we think of as Entertainme nt, such as fashion shows at designer boutiques and upmarket department stores, usually involve a small(a) degree of customer involvement and intensiveness. Activities in the Educational zone involve those where participants are more actively involved, but the level of intensiveness is still low. In this zone, participants acquire new skills or increase those they already have. Many luxury goods offerings include educational dimensions. For example, cruise ships often employ well-known authorities to provide semi-formal lectures about their itineraries a concept commonly referred to as edutainment.Escapist activities are those that involve a high degree of both involvement and intensiveness, and are clearly a central feature of more than of luxury consumption. This is clearly apparent(a) within the luxury tourism and hospitality sector, characterised by the growth of work holiday offerings. The launch of the Royal Tented Taj Spa (Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces) at the Rambagh P alace in Jaipur (India) recreates the mobile palaces used by the Mughal emperors of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, with chandeliers, royal pennants and Indian love swings.When the element of activity is reduced to a more passive involvement in nature, the event becomes Aesthetic. A high degree of intensiveness is clearly evident within this activity, but has little effect on its environment such as admiring the architectural or interior design of designer boutiques. The six-storey glass crystal design of the Prada store in Tokyo conceptualised by the architects Herzog and de Meuron has become a showcase for unconventional contemporary architecture.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Same Sex Marriages Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Same Sex Marriages - search Paper ExampleEmotional understanding takes place between two persons when they start believing separately other. Love, care, and trust are those key factors that play an important role in creating and maintaining affectionate feelings in the minds of the individuals tortuous in the relationship.However, one thing, which must me mentioned, is that feelings of love and care are not gender specific. It is not prerequisite that these feelings always bear between the individuals belonging to opposite genders. Sometimes the feelings of love and care also arise between the individuals belonging to the same gender. Those feelings become the reason for any two individuals from the same gender to use up involved in a relationship between each other, which is referred to as same sex marriage.The authorities of the United States of America does not allow same sex marriages. The government of America believes that marriage is a sacred relationship, which should always involve the individuals from the opposite sexes whereas gay or lesbian marriages result in destroying the base sprit of the relationship of marriage.The biggest problem affecting same sex marriage is geography (Dunn). However, in some states of America, courts convey allowed people to do same sex marriages. Some of those states include Massachusetts, Vermont, and Connecticut. The courts of these states declared that marriage is a civic right, so gays and lesbians also possess this right (Cahill 4). In these states, although people belonging to same sexes are allowed to start up tied in marital relationships with each other, yet their marriages or living status as a couple is not very much accepted by the major(ip)ity of the US population.One of the major problems, which the same sex marriage couples face, is the discouraging behavior of the societies. Majority of people usually do not encourage same sex marriages because they think that such marriages are just for the fulf illment of sexual desires preferably of making

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

State of Israel and the future threats. I argue that the biggest Essay

State of Israel and the future threats. I signal that the biggest threat could be marks of the Israeli state in the future will be an indwelling threat more than any external enemy - Essay ExampleFinally conclusions were arrived at base on the findings of the work. This work is based on secondary sources for retrieving relevant information pertaining to the topic. In this regard, reliable sources much(prenominal) as academic books, authentic websites, journals, and government documents were scrutinised. This work proves that Israel has been threatened to a major extent by the internal problems discussed, rather than any external threats.This region comprised of Israel was under British rule from 1917 to 1948, and during this period the Arab spiritual groups underwent several crucial socio economic changes. Such change was not uniform across the various spiritual groups and displayed considerable diversity. The Christian Arabs experienced this change, much more swiftly than the Druze and the Moslems. The fertility rate declined among these groups, with the exception of the Muslim Arabs. 1From the economic perspective, Israel had been envisaging a number of difficulties. This nation had not achieved a transformation into a hawkish market system from a socialist state, as at the end of the 20th century. The forces was compel to address new dangers from inimical Islamic nations, such as Iraq and Iran, which boasted of long range missiles in their arsenal. Furthermore, the military had to address the challenge of becoming a more technical and less manpower intensive force. 2However, significant change was in the offing for Israel, during the commencement of the 21st century. Internally, the denizens of this nation had been struggling with traditional and contemporaneous issues. Some of these issues were those of religion and state and their relationship to Jewish identity. Another issue pertained to the endeavours to mitigate religious knead upon personal matters, such as marriage and divorce. 3The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel was made at Tel Aviv, on 14

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Consumer Behaviour in Malaysia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Consumer doings in Malaysia - Essay Example(Ndubisi 2006, p17) In order to be able to take advantage of opportunities and put strong chance at competition in Malaysia, Australian exporters should be able to understand the dynamics of the countrys consumer market because Malaysian consumers differ significantly from those in Australia. An understanding of consumer behavior, particularly, can fall upon a difference since it impacts purchasing behavior and, therefore, marketing decisions as well. In addition, the diffusion of trends such as technological and economic is also crucial to penetrate the Malaysian market. Culture and Consumer Behavior The relationship betwixt consumers and consumer goods is driven by several variables. Culture is one of the most important of such. McCrackens model, which explained the movement of cultural meaning, identify possession ritual, exchange ritual, grooming ritual and divestment ritual as what dictates individual consumer behavior in the proc ess wherein meaning is constructed, structured and transferred in the flow of consumer goods. (Schiffman et al 2009) Ritual is the key concept at work here. Consumption becomes a symbolic activity typified by steps, behaviors and actions that became constant, occurring repeatedly over time. This underscores how finishing impacts consumers. Consumer products atomic number 18 symbols that represent what the consumers value in products and services or what the marketers communicate as value for the buyers. Karahana, Evaristo and Strite also explained how culture impacts behavior through their own theoretical model of cultures influence on behavior. Here, behavior is driven by attitude and social averages, variables that are produced by cognitive beliefs, cultural practices and values. (p8) Pecotich and Schultz conducted a look backward of studies on consumer perception on brands in Malaysia. It was found that Malaysians display specific characteristics in their attitude towards prod ucts. special examples were provided. For instance, in brand selection on electrical products, Malaysians were found to be motivated by the perceive best brand, favoring prestige over a product that is simply thought of as efficient or works well. (p426) This is also congruent to the tendency of Malaysian consumers to patronize celebrity-endorsed products and their loyalty to brands. According to Kacen and Lee (2002), impetus consumer buying behavior now accounts for up to 80% of all purchases in some countries and that culture plays a part as consumers engage in sudden, compelling, hedonically complex purchase decision process that precludes thoughtful, deliberate experimental condition of all information and choice alternatives. (p163) The argument is that culture tempers impulsive buying. This is highlighted in Malaysia by the Islamic subculture, which in turn can best be depicted through the concept of halal. In Malaysia, halal, which means what is permitted, is the norm in Islamic consumption. Consumers and their consumption are subject to institutionalization regulated by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs. Fischer (2008) explained that halal informs and controls ideas and practices such as wearing of gold and ornaments, wigs and hairpieces paintings photographs, keeping of dogs cleanliness

Monday, May 13, 2019

Introduction to Financial Services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Introduction to Financial Services - Essay ExampleThe latter dickens correspond to its lines of businesses for individuals and for corporations. The most recent developments in the companys operations and prospects include the disposal of its Latvian portfolio of mortgages to Swed chamfer AB, which occurred in February of 2012 the disposal of its AIB International Financial Services Limited and AIB Jerseytrust operations in 2011 the disposal of its carry in Bank Zachodni to Banco Santander SA in April 2011, comprising 70.4 percent of its total stake in that bank the disposal of its 50 percent stake in BZ WBK AIB Asset Management likewise in April of 2011 and the acquisition of the EBS building Society in July of 2011 (Google). It is noteworthy that while many of its activities are concentrated in Ireland, it has substantial front man in the UK, and also some presence in the United States, the latter in the form of CICB banking work on offer to corporations in the US, as well as in the UK. Moreover, it has a business member focused solely on Northern Ireland and Greater Britain, in the form of its AIB UK business surgical incision. This business segment is registered in the UK, and operates under the name of Allied Irish Bank GB. This business segment operates 28 all told-embracing branches all over the UK, with regular banking services coupled with corporate and international banking (Reuters). Meanwhile, due to Central Bank mandates for the bank to up its capital base, AIB raised 14.8 billion of bare-assed capital through the flotation of invigorated shares (AIB). The series of moves tied to this flotation effectively resulted in the Irish government coming to own all but a tiny fraction of all of the banausic shares at AIB (AIB) On 31 meet 2011, the Central Bank published its Financial Measures Programme Report, which detailed the outcome of PCAR 2011 and Prudential Liquidity Assessment review (PLAR) 2011 for certain Irish credit institutions, i ncluding AIB and EBS. On this date, the Central Bank stated that it had set a new capital target for AIB and EBS, ultimately requiring AIB and EBS to generate a total of 14.8 billion of excess capital. This additional capital requirement was satisfied through AIBs placing of 5.0 billion of new ordinary shares with the NPRFC, capital contributions totalling 6.1 billion from the see for Finance and the NPRFC, the issue of 1.6 billion of contingent capital notes at par to the Minister (which completed on 27 July 2011), and further burden-sharing measures undertaken with the Groups subordinated debt-holders. Following these actions, the State, through the NPRFC, now owns 99.8% of the ordinary shares of AIB (AIB). II. Financial Performance The companys ADR is cherishd at $31.03 billion as of the latest stock market close, with the stock ranging in value from a high of $1.87 and a low of $0.56. The most recent stock price close is at $0.60. Below is a snapshot of the performance of its ADR stock price from September 2011 to the present (Google) Plot extension Google While data on the ADR is recent and short-term, data on the five-year financial performance of the bank is obtainable through to 2009 from 2005, hitting the years from 2007 when the global financial crisis hit, but missing out on the chivalric few years data, including the data relevant to its recent flotation of ordinary shares that transferred ownership of most ordinary shares to the Irish governm

Sunday, May 12, 2019

FIFA Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

FIFA - theme Study ExampleFootball is normally governed by a worldwide body. This is called the FIFA. In the yr 1930, the premier world cup finals were held. This was done in Uruguay. After this the next world cup finals were held in the year 1994.This was held in the United States of America. In the past, FIFA never used to allocate the world cup finals evenly. Recently FIFA dogged to give equal considerations to every FIFA confederations. FIFA has got 204 members who are quite ambitious who have highly contributed to this. This organisation has really expanded in the resent past. In the year 2006, the word cup finals were held in Germany aft(prenominal) the members voting. 1FIFA usually has presidential elections and the aspirants are the ones that that offer this improvements. The one that was in Germany was supposed to have been held in due south Africa but it brought in many accusations concerning intimidation. There is a high probability that the finals will not be held in Europe any soon, maybe until the year 2020.It was noted that there were huge costs incurred in hosting the 32 national squads when the world cup final were held in Korea and japan. FIFA increased the amount of money it is whirl to world cup winners .This was by 70% increased. This was effective in the year 1998 when this amount was paid to France after winning the world cup finals. ... There is a high probability that the finals will not be held in Europe any soon, maybe until the year 2020.It was noted that there were huge costs incurred in hosting the 32 national teams when the world cup final were held in Korea and Japan. FIFA increased the amount of money it is offering to world cup winners .This was by 70% increased. This was effective in the year 1998 when this amount was paid to France after winning the world cup finals. Initially, each team that participated in the world cup finals used to be paid 400,000. Each game that is compete in the tournament was invokeing 550 ,000.FIFA is now paying 2m to each team that participates in the world cup games even if it doesnt succeed in the initial group games. There are chances that FIFA could pay the winners an amount of 5m.This will depend on several factors. It includes the number of sponsorships that the world cups will attract and the amount rose by these finals in general. World cup finals were in the past hosted by Japan and Korea. This was tricky because the two nations have their own differences and have tense relations. These differences are in the social development, heathenish and economic sectors. Regional discord could very much be promoted by the world cup finals in the two nations.2.0 FIFAThis organisation was founded in May 1904.It is the Federation International de Football Association in full. The nations that subscribe the act of foundation include Sweden, Spain, Denmark, France, Belgium, Switzerland and France. At the start of the twenty first century, the first official matches at a lower place this organisation took place in Europe. The intention of starting up this organisation was to understand the role played by English in the matches. Netherlands Football Associations secretary got