Monday, December 9, 2019

The Theory Of The Continental Drift Essay free essay sample

, Research Paper In my sentiment, Continental floating decidedly occurred. I believe there is plentifulness of grounds proving that, grounds that anyone could see merely by looking at a map. Almost everyone who has looked at a universe map or Earth has noticed that the continents of South America and Africa seem to suit together reasonably good. An even better tantrum is seen if Continental borders ( the underwater border of the continent ) are used. Other # 8220 ; fits # 8221 ; like this can be assembled every bit good, such as the manner the coastal lineations of North and South America seem to suit with those of Africa and Europe. Evolutionists believe that Continental floating took topographic point over 1000000s of old ages, and that the split up of North and South America from Africa and Europe is merely the most recent illustration that proves their theory. Harmonizing to geologists, Continental floating decidedly occurred, but they # 8217 ; re merely non certain how. We will write a custom essay sample on The Theory Of The Continental Drift Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is slightly of a enigma. Apparently it has something to make with solid # 8220 ; plates # 8221 ; of stuff drifting on top of liquid magma deep below the Earth # 8217 ; s crust. Continental drifting is taking topographic point even now, at the rate of a few inches per twelvemonth. If this rate was the same since the continents all were one, it would hold taken 1000000s of old ages. Alfred Wegener, a German meteorologist, decided to look for such grounds. He thought that if South America and Africa had been joined at some earlier clip, both continen T would hold the same geological formations such as like mountains. Besides, both continents would hold about the same dodos of nonextant animate beings and workss. Wegener led many expeditions to turn out his thoughts. Mountains, workss, and dodos were proven to be similar on both continents. It seemed like Africa and South America had been joined. Since they are non now joined, they must # 8217 ; ve drifted apart, which has come to organize the term, # 8220 ; Continental drift. # 8221 ; Wegener besides came up with the term # 8220 ; Pangaea # 8217 ; , which is the name of the continents when they were a whole. Wegener # 8217 ; s theory, though apprehensible, was non accepted by the populace as a rational theory. People merely couldn # 8217 ; t conceive of a continent traveling. Not merely is it a really big object, but it would hold to plough through stat mis of solid stone on the floor of the ocean. When measurings of the magnetic attraction of stones began to take topographic point, it led to the farther development of Wegener # 8217 ; s theory. When measurings were made of the Earth # 8217 ; s magnetic field, it was found that either the poles of the Earth were traveling, or the continents were. This helped with Wegener # 8217 ; s theory, but it still was non proven. Finally, surveies of the ocean floor were carried out. A ridge, with a vale in the center, was found at the centre of each major ocean. This was a fact that proved that continents could # 8217 ; ve moved through the ocean floor, which proves Wegener # 8217 ; s theory. . . . . . or does it?

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