Wednesday, December 25, 2019

He Went Anything But Gentle Essay - 1664 Words

Most contemporary American poetry is characterized by themes of love, death, and family. Dylan Thomas’ poetry, however, does not fall into the typical contemporary mold. Instead of merely writing about social and intellectual issues using free verse, as most of his contemporaries did, he wrote with overwhelming passion and intensity about his own life in strict poetic forms. One of his most famous poems is a villanelle, â€Å"Do not go gentle into that good night†, which he wrote about his dying father. This poem, like many of his other poems, had a certain whimsical ring to it. The sounds and rhythms he used were unlike anything anyone had seen during this time (1930s-1950s); his poems seemed to dance off of the paper. Although he passed away†¦show more content†¦During this initial wave of success, Thomas began to develop his vices, such as alcohol (â€Å"Dylan Thomas,† Two years after the release of his first book Thomas met his soon to be wife Caitlin Macnamara. At the time she was romantically involved with a painter who was known to have a short fuse. Regardless, the two ended up marrying less than a year after first meeting. The marriage was turbulent to say the least; both were accused of having affairs. Eventually, both Thomas and his wife moved to London but left a couple of years later and relocated to Laugharne in Carmarthenshire, Wales. Thomas visited the United States for the first time in 1950, at the age of thirty-five, due to the growing popularity of his poems with the American public. His reading tours were immensely popular with the people; it was mostly due to his wild antics while performing. He was overwhelmingly theatrical and would engage in disputes with his audience while reciting (â€Å"Dylan Thomas,† Because he believed that he would die young, Thomas created a persona that he referred to as â€Å"instant Dylan.† This persona was a wild and young Welsh bard, who was damned by drink and women. Thomas created this persona because he believed that this was what the public wanted from him (â€Å"Dylan Thomas,† Notable While on his fourth visitShow MoreRelatedEssay about Perry Smith The Serene Man with the Explosive Temper1417 Words   |  6 PagesExplosive Temper Perry Smith is perhaps the nicest, most gentle-hearted man Ive ever met in my life. If he and I were to have met under different circumstances, I would never have hazarded a guess that this kind man could be a cold-blooded killer. Hes such a gentle man that it startles me to think that a man such as he would ever so much as touch a hair on a human head. However, it is the story of his past that lends credence to the fact that he slaughtered four members of the Clutter family. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Archetypes In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight - 773 Words

Archetypes are utilized to analyze the common patterns of human nature in literature and major motion pictures. In the poem Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, Gawain accepts the challenge the Green Knight has to offer and goes on a quest to redeem the honor of Camelot. The Green Knight teaches Gawain a lesson which changes his values. A number of archetypal situations occur in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight that serve to promote Gawain’s moral development. The Green Knight makes his first appearance in Camelot during a grand feast. He calls upon the noblest knight to face him in a battle. Gawain accepts the â€Å"fateful region of both treasure and danger†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Campbell 53), which is the call to adventure, and the Green Knight is the herald that†¦show more content†¦And before his eyes a grand castle appeared; God helped saved Gawain from his near death experience by making the chapel appear, making God the supernatural aid. In astonishment, Gawain makes his way towards the castle to seek refuge and is greeted by a â€Å"...kindly countenance, who stood on the wall†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Weston 15). The kind man tells Sir Gawain that he can stay as long as he wishes, and Gawain crosses the first threshold; The drawbridge. As he entered the castle Gawain was showered with friendly greetings, fed, and given a place to sleep. The host asks Gawain, â€Å" ...what stern behest had driven him at the holy season from the kingâ₠¬â„¢s court, to fare all alone, ere yet the feast was ended?† (Winston 19). Gawain then explains his quest to find the Green Chapel and the Green Knight that owns it, so he can maintain the honor of Camelot. After telling the house of his adventure Gawain is given 4 days to stay in the grand castle. On the fourth day Sir Gawain will only need to travel two miles from the castle to find the Green Chapel. The 3 days before Gawain must exchange his earning of the day with the host. On the first day the host sets forth to hunt deer with his knights and Gawain stays in to rest. As Gawain laid resting on the bed the host’s wife walks in and he pretends to be asleep as she tries to talk to him. SheShow MoreRelatedArchetypes In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight829 Words   |  4 PagesArchetypes can be found in most literary work, especially in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight most characters or objects served to aid in the development of the hero by being either a situational, character, color, or a symbol archetype. The poem begins with a challenge being presented to the knights of the Round Table by the Green Knight. While seeing that no one else will accept the challenge, putting Camelot’s honor at stake, Gawain accepts and then realizesRead MoreArchetypes In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight1100 Words   |  5 PagesIn almost any story, whether novel or poem, lies a hero. Depending on the path, a variety of archety pes usually accompany the hero. The Merriam Webster dictionary defines â€Å"archetype† as â€Å"the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies.† Joseph Campbell’s A Hero With A Thousand Faces introduces the common archetypes often found in various pieces of literature, explaining â€Å"The parallels will be immediately apparent; and these will develop a vast andRead MoreTheme Of Archetypes In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight864 Words   |  4 Pagesfollow Archetypes. The concept of Archetypes presents itself in Joseph Campbells’, Hero with a Thousand Faces. Campbell’s book goes the extra mile describing/explaining how Archetypes come into action throughout the journey of the hero detailing how â€Å"The archetypes to be discovered and assimilated are precisely those that have inspired, throughout the annals of human culture, the basic images of ritual, mythology, and vision†(Campbell 41). 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In the story of our character Sir Gawain accepts a â€Å"Call to adventure† (Campbell 45) and goes on a quest that will go through many of the archetypes. Likewise, there lies one character, The Green Knight, that can be many of the archetypal characters in the cycle of the hero’s journey. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight dramatically demonstrates how a single characterRead MoreThe Role Of Women In Literature1587 Words   |  7 Pages When people are going through events in his or her life they look for a way to express or find something that relates to the feelings that they have. Majority of the time these feelings are expressed through literature. An example is the archetypes that can be found throughout literature. In the British Middle Ages, the people were grouped into different social classes using the feudal system. Society was mainly broken into two separate groups, the nobles, and the peasants. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

The Theory Of The Continental Drift Essay free essay sample

, Research Paper In my sentiment, Continental floating decidedly occurred. I believe there is plentifulness of grounds proving that, grounds that anyone could see merely by looking at a map. Almost everyone who has looked at a universe map or Earth has noticed that the continents of South America and Africa seem to suit together reasonably good. An even better tantrum is seen if Continental borders ( the underwater border of the continent ) are used. Other # 8220 ; fits # 8221 ; like this can be assembled every bit good, such as the manner the coastal lineations of North and South America seem to suit with those of Africa and Europe. Evolutionists believe that Continental floating took topographic point over 1000000s of old ages, and that the split up of North and South America from Africa and Europe is merely the most recent illustration that proves their theory. Harmonizing to geologists, Continental floating decidedly occurred, but they # 8217 ; re merely non certain how. We will write a custom essay sample on The Theory Of The Continental Drift Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is slightly of a enigma. Apparently it has something to make with solid # 8220 ; plates # 8221 ; of stuff drifting on top of liquid magma deep below the Earth # 8217 ; s crust. Continental drifting is taking topographic point even now, at the rate of a few inches per twelvemonth. If this rate was the same since the continents all were one, it would hold taken 1000000s of old ages. Alfred Wegener, a German meteorologist, decided to look for such grounds. He thought that if South America and Africa had been joined at some earlier clip, both continen T would hold the same geological formations such as like mountains. Besides, both continents would hold about the same dodos of nonextant animate beings and workss. Wegener led many expeditions to turn out his thoughts. Mountains, workss, and dodos were proven to be similar on both continents. It seemed like Africa and South America had been joined. Since they are non now joined, they must # 8217 ; ve drifted apart, which has come to organize the term, # 8220 ; Continental drift. # 8221 ; Wegener besides came up with the term # 8220 ; Pangaea # 8217 ; , which is the name of the continents when they were a whole. Wegener # 8217 ; s theory, though apprehensible, was non accepted by the populace as a rational theory. People merely couldn # 8217 ; t conceive of a continent traveling. Not merely is it a really big object, but it would hold to plough through stat mis of solid stone on the floor of the ocean. When measurings of the magnetic attraction of stones began to take topographic point, it led to the farther development of Wegener # 8217 ; s theory. When measurings were made of the Earth # 8217 ; s magnetic field, it was found that either the poles of the Earth were traveling, or the continents were. This helped with Wegener # 8217 ; s theory, but it still was non proven. Finally, surveies of the ocean floor were carried out. A ridge, with a vale in the center, was found at the centre of each major ocean. This was a fact that proved that continents could # 8217 ; ve moved through the ocean floor, which proves Wegener # 8217 ; s theory. . . . . . or does it?

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Why Is It Important To Talk About Texting and Driving free essay sample

The society has highly been affected by the issue of drivers texting while driving. I the recent years, texting has become one of the major convenient ways to communicate with people. While one sends a message to conveniently communicate with another arty while behind the wheel, they could be risking their lives and those of other drivers and pedestrians. There have been multiple accidents due to cell phone distractions on drivers, which are more than the accidents caused by drunken drivers. The severity of these accidents has prompted many countries to ban any form of cellphone use while driving making it an illegal act (Varley Curry, 2011). This paper will discuss the causes of cellphone texting, the fact that it causes impairment of the driver’s ability to focus their eyes on the road and the major consequences. Cellphone text messaging has become the common method that people use to communicate in today’s society. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Is It Important To Talk About Texting and Driving? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many people see texting, as more convenience compared to calling, though calling would also not be a preference while driving. It has become common with people to fully indulge in their text-enabled device to check messages, emails and social media messages. This has led to more people to incorporate text messaging into their basic daily activities while occur even while driving.The American Automobile Association studied that Age, peer pressure and culture are other causes. The study showed that 46% of teenagers do send text messages and 51% talk on their phones while driving (Varley Curry, 2011). This could be due to peer pressure and the fear of not being left out in the culture that the young teenagers have adopted of promptly corresponding to text messages even when driving. Texting while driving has recently been rated as the most dangerous driver distractor because it uses visual, cognitive and manual recognition simultaneously (Neustein, 2010). Consequently, both texting and driving require concentration where, ultimately, it id the driving that matters cause the driver diverts the attention needed to fully focus on texting. Studies show that teen drivers are more likely to be distracted than experienced adult drivers. Another consequence is that texting while driving compromise the safety of the passengers on board and other drivers and pedestrians on the same road. Any diversion of attention for a few seconds can cause severe consequences. The ability of a driver to stop suddenly is compromised because their focus was on the texting device and not on the road leading to serious accidents.ConclusionWith all the causes and effects considered, texting is therefore dangerous while driving. Many drivers could be aware of the serious consequences but still, do due to ignorance. Laws have been enforced on ignorant drivers to reduce the mortality rate on the roads.Neustein, A. (2010). Advances in speech recognition: Mobile environments, call centers, and clinics. New York: Springer.Varley, P. , Curry C. (2011). Texting While Driving: A Law Enforcement Analysis of Distracted Driving.