Sunday, September 15, 2019

The Evolution Of American Slavery

Indentured servitude was, in Colonial America, one of the first forms of slavery. Indentured servitude was a successful in that it gave both the master and servant, or slave, incentive to do their job. Indentured servants were contracted in for a period of time, typically five years, in which at the time of completion they received freedom dues. Freedom dues were money, land, and guns and such. All expenses of travel and living were paid by the master, so it seemed like a great plan for a poor Englishmen, but was not at all the case. Only forty percent of indentured reverts lived to complete their contracts.Following indentured servants, the first African slaves came into Virginia in 1619. Colonial America would soon fall dependent upon African slaves, and by 1 700 African slave establishment would nearly entirely replace indentured servants. In this year there were around 27,81 7 slaves. In 1740, there were 1 50,024 slaves. Within thirty years after the slave population had grown to nearly a fifth of the colonial population, at 462,000. The European demand for tobacco soon became a primary drive for slaveholders. It is estimated that between 1700 and 1 775 theChesapeake slave population grew from 1 to 1 million. Tobacco became a major economic factor, and slaves were needed to farm the large amounts desired to export. This brought a higher demand for slaves as well. The population of saves began to grow everywhere. As slave numbers increased, so the racial difference between blacks and whites. Slaves had poor conditions most of the timer and in result came revolts and abolition movements. The most well known revolt was led by Nat Turner, a slave and preacher. The revolt was a short and bloody attack on Southampton County, Virginia.Revolts were usually covered before they ever actually took action. Acts like these were not tolerated, and all people involved were to be hung. Cases were brought to the Supreme Court in the defense of and removal of slavery. Cases backing the removal of slavery usually lost. One example was the Dried Scott Case. It was ruled that Congress did not have the right to ban slavery in the states, and also stated that slaves were not citizens so therefore held no rights in America. Slavery was eventually abolished completely by President Lincoln issuing the Emancipation Proclamation and the declaring of the ThirteenthAmendment. Although Lincoln was assassinated before it was passed, it was passed and put into effect soon after the Civil War. The evolution of slavery in America was a long and complicated issue. From Start to finish, slavery had its perks and downfalls. It was a unfortunate institution for many, and brought many differences throughout its expansion and growth. However, it was necessary in the upbringing of the United States, and so was its abolishment. We still the effects of our past today, and perhaps always will as long as it is studied, as it should.

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