Monday, September 30, 2019

Shadow Kiss Chapter 29

Twenty-nine NEARLY A WEEK LATER, I showed up at Adrian's door. We hadn't had classes since the attack, but our normal curfew hours were still in effect, and it was almost bedtime. Adrian's face registered complete and total shock when he saw me. It was the first time I'd ever sought him out, rather than vice versa. â€Å"Little dhampir,† he said, stepping aside. â€Å"Come in.† I did, and was nearly overwhelmed by the smell of alcohol as I passed him. The Academy's guest housing was nice, but he clearly hadn't done much to keep his suite clean. I had a feeling he'd probably been drinking nonstop since the attack. The TV was on, and a small table by the couch held a half-empty bottle of vodka. I picked it up and read the label. It was in Russian. â€Å"Bad time?† I asked, setting it back down. â€Å"Never a bad time for you,† he told me gallantly. His face looked haggard. He was still as good-looking as ever, but there were dark circles under his eyes like he hadn't been sleeping well. He waved me toward an armchair and sat down on the couch. â€Å"Haven't seen much of you.† I leaned back. â€Å"I haven't wanted to be seen,† I admitted. I'd hardly spoken to anyone since the attack. I'd spent a lot of time by myself or with Lissa. I took comfort from being around her, but we hadn't said much. She understood that I needed to process things and had simply been there for me, not pushing me on things I didn't want to talk about – even though there were a dozen things she wanted to ask. The Academy's dead had been honored in one group memorial service, although their families had made arrangements for each person's respective funeral. I'd gone to the larger service. The chapel had been packed, with standing room only. Father Andrew had read the names of the dead, listing Dimitri and Molly among them. No one was talking about what had really happened to them. There was too much other grief anyway. We were drowning in it. No one even knew how the Academy would pick up the pieces and start running again. â€Å"You look worse than I do,† I told Adrian. â€Å"I didn't think that was possible.† He brought the bottle to his lips and took a long drink. â€Å"Nah, you always look good. As for me †¦ well, it's hard to explain. The auras are getting to me. There's so much sorrow around here. You can't even begin to understand. It radiates from everyone on a spiritual level. It's overwhelming. It makes your dark aura downright cheerful.† â€Å"Is that why you're drinking?† â€Å"Yup. It's shut my aura-vision right off, thankfully, so I can't give you a report today.† He offered me the bottle, and I shook my head. He shrugged and took another drink. â€Å"So what can I do for you, Rose? I have a feeling you aren't here to check on me.† He was right, and I only felt a little bad about what I was here for. I'd done a lot of thinking this last week. Processing my grief for Mason had been hard. In fact, I hadn't even really quite resolved it when the ghost business had started. Now I had to mourn all over again. After all, more than Dimitri had been lost. Teachers had died, guardians and Moroi alike. None of my close friends had died, but people I knew from classes had. They'd been students at the Academy as long as I had, and it was weird to think I'd never see them again. That was a lot of loss to deal with, a lot of people to say goodbye to. But†¦ Dimitri. He was a different case. After all, how did you say goodbye to someone who wasn't exactly gone? That was the problem. â€Å"I need money,† I told Adrian, not bothering with pretense. He arched an eyebrow. â€Å"Unexpected. From you, at least. I get that kind of request a lot from others. Pray tell, what would I be funding?† I glanced away from him, focusing on the television. It was a commercial for some kind of deodorant. â€Å"I'm leaving the Academy,† I said finally. â€Å"Also unexpected. You're only a few months out from graduation.† I met his eyes. â€Å"It doesn't matter. I have things to do now.† â€Å"I never figured you'd be one of the dropout guardians. You going to join the blood whores?† â€Å"No,† I said. â€Å"Of course not.† â€Å"Don't act so offended. That's not an unreasonable assumption. If you're not going to be a guardian, what else are you going to do?† â€Å"I told you. I have things I have to take care of.† He arched an eyebrow. â€Å"Things that are going to get you into trouble?† I shrugged. He laughed. â€Å"Stupid question, huh? Everything you do gets you in trouble.† He propped his elbow up on the couch's arm and rested his chin in his hand. â€Å"Why'd you come to me for money?† â€Å"Because you have it.† This also made him laugh. â€Å"And why do you think I'll give it to you?† I didn't say anything. I just looked at him, forcing as much womanly charm as I could into my expression. His smile went away, and his green eyes narrowed in frustration. He jerked his gaze away. â€Å"Damn it, Rose. Don't do that. Not now. You're playing on how I feel about you. That's not fair.† He gulped more vodka. He was right. I'd come to him because I thought I could use his crush to get what I wanted. It was low, but I had no choice. Getting up, I moved over and sat beside him. I held his hand. â€Å"Please, Adrian,† I said. â€Å"Please help me. You're the only one I can go to.† â€Å"That's not fair,† he repeated, slurring his words a little. â€Å"You're using those come-hither eyes on me, but it's not me you want. It's never been me. It's always been Belikov, and God only knows what you'll do now that he's gone.† He was right about that too. â€Å"Will you help me?† I asked, still playing up the charisma. â€Å"You're the only one I could talk to †¦ the only one who really understands me†¦.† â€Å"Are you coming back?† he countered. â€Å"Eventually.† Tipping his head back, he exhaled a heavy breath. His hair, which I'd always thought looked stylishly messy, simply looked messy today. â€Å"Maybe it's for the best if you leave. Maybe you'll get over him faster if you go away for a while. Wouldn't hurt to be away from Lissa's aura either. It might slow yours from darkening – stop this rage you always seem to be in. You need to be happier. And stop seeing ghosts.† My seduction faltered for a moment. â€Å"Lissa isn't why I'm seeing ghosts. Well, she is, but not in the way you think. I see the ghosts because I'm shadow-kissed. I'm tied to the world of the dead, and the more I kill, the stronger that connection becomes. It's why I see the dead and why I feel weird when Strigoi are near. I can sense them now. They're tied to that world too.† He frowned. â€Å"You're saying the auras mean nothing? That you aren't taking away the effects of spirit?† â€Å"No. That's happening too. That's why this has all been so confusing. I thought there was just one thing going on, but there've been two. I see the ghosts because of being shadow-kissed. I'm getting†¦ upset and angry†¦ bad, even†¦ because I'm taking away Lissa's dark side. That's why my aura's darkening, why I'm getting so enraged lately. Right now, it just sort of plays out as a really bad temper†¦.† I frowned, thinking of the night Dimitri had stopped me from going after Jesse. â€Å"But I don't know what it'll turn into next.† Adrian sighed. â€Å"Why is everything so complicated with you?† â€Å"Will you help me? Please, Adrian?† I ran my fingers along his hand. â€Å"Please help me.† Low, low. This was so low of me, but it didn't matter. Only Dimitri did. Finally, Adrian looked back at me. For the first time ever, he looked vulnerable. â€Å"When you come back, will you give me a fair shot?† I hid my surprise. â€Å"What do you mean?† â€Å"It's like I said. You've never wanted me, never even considered me. The flowers, the flirting †¦ it rolled right off you. You were so gone for him, and nobody noticed. If you go do your thing, will you take me seriously? Will you give me a chance when you return?† I stared. I definitely hadn't expected this. My initial instinct was to say no, that I could never love anybody again, that my heart had been shattered along with that piece of my soul that Dimitri held. But Adrian was looking at me so earnestly, and there was none of his joking nature. He meant what he said, and I realized all the affection for me he'd always teased about hadn't been a joke either. Lissa had been right about his feelings. â€Å"Will you?† he repeated. God only knows what you'll do now that he's gone. â€Å"Of course.† Not an honest answer, but a necessary one. Adrian looked away and drank more vodka. There wasn't much left. â€Å"When are you leaving?† â€Å"Tomorrow.† Setting the bottle down, he stood up and walked off into the bedroom. He returned with a large stack of cash. I wondered if he kept it under his bed or something. He handed it to me wordlessly and then picked up the phone and made some calls. The sun was up, and the human world, which handled most Moroi money, was also up and awake. I tried to watch TV while he talked, but I couldn't concentrate. I kept wanting to scratch the back of my neck. Because there was no way of knowing exactly how many Strigoi I and the others had killed, we'd all been given a different kind of tattoo instead of the usual set of molnija marks. I'd forgotten its name, but this tattoo looked like a little star. It meant that the bearer had been in a battle and killed many Strigoi. When he finally finished his calls, Adrian handed me a piece of paper. It had the name and address of a bank in Missoula. â€Å"Go there,† he said. â€Å"I'm guessing you have to go to Missoula first anyway if you're actually going on to anywhere civilized. There's an account set up for you with †¦ a lot of money in it. Talk to them, and they'll finish the paperwork with you.† I stood up and stuffed the bills in my jacket. â€Å"Thank you,† I said. Without hesitating, I reached out and hugged him. The scent of vodka was overpowering, but I felt I owed him. I was taking advantage of his feelings for me in order to further my own devices. He put his arms around me and held me for several seconds before letting go. I brushed my lips against his cheek as we broke apart, and I thought he might stop breathing. â€Å"I won't forget this,† I murmured in his ear. â€Å"I don't suppose you'll tell me where you're going?† he asked. â€Å"No,† I said. â€Å"I'm sorry.† â€Å"Just keep your promise and come back.† â€Å"I didn't actually use the word promise,† I pointed out. He smiled and pressed a kiss to my forehead. â€Å"You're right. I'm going to miss you, little dhampir. Be careful. If you ever need anything, let me know. I'll be waiting for you.† I thanked him again and left, not bothering to tell him he might be waiting a long time. There was a very real possibility that I might not be coming back. The next day, I got up early, long before most of campus was awake. I'd hardly slept. I slung a bag over my shoulder and walked over to the main office in the administrative building. The office wasn't open yet either, so I sat down on the floor in the hallway outside of it. Studying my hands as I waited, I noticed two tiny flecks of gold on my thumbnail. They were the only remnants of my manicure. About twenty minutes later, the secretary showed up with the keys and let me in. â€Å"What can I do for you?† she asked, once she was seated at her desk. I handed her a stack of papers I'd been holding. â€Å"I'm withdrawing.† Her eyes widened to impossible size. â€Å"But†¦what†¦you can't†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I tapped the stack. â€Å"I can. It's all filled out.† Still gaping, she muttered something to me about waiting, and then scurried out of the room. A few minutes later, she returned with Headmistress Kirova. Kirova had apparently been briefed and was looking at me very disapprovingly down her beaklike nose. â€Å"Miss Hathaway, what's the meaning of this?† â€Å"I'm leaving,† I said. â€Å"Quitting. Dropping out. Whatever.† â€Å"You can't do that,† she said. â€Å"Well, obviously I can, since you guys keep withdrawal paperwork in the library. It's all filled out the way it needs to be.† Her anger changed into something sadder and more anxious. â€Å"I know a lot has gone on lately – we're all having trouble adjusting – but that's no reason to make a hasty decision. If anything, we need you more than ever.† She was almost pleading. Hard to believe she'd wanted to expel me six months ago. â€Å"This wasn't hasty,† I said. â€Å"I thought a lot about it.† â€Å"Let me at least get your mother so we can talk this out.† â€Å"She left for Europe three days ago. Not that it matters anyway.† I pointed to the line on the top form that said date of birth. â€Å"I'm eighteen today. She can't do anything anymore. This is my choice. Now, will you stamp the form, or are you actually going to try to restrain me? Pretty sure I could take you in a fight, Kirova.† They stamped my packet, not happily. The secretary made a copy of the official paper that declared I was no longer a student at St. Vladimir's Academy. I'd need it to get out the main gate. It was a long walk to the front of the school, and the western sky was red as the sun slipped over the horizon. The weather had warmed up, even at night. Spring had finally come. It made for good walking weather since I had a ways to go before I made it to the highway. From there, I'd hitchhike to Missoula. Hitchhiking wasn't safe, but the silver stake in my coat pocket made me feel pretty secure about anything I'd face. No one had taken it away from me after the raid, and it would work just as well against creepy humans as it did with Strigoi. I could just make out the gates when I sensed her. Lissa. I stopped walking and turned toward a cluster of bud-covered trees. She'd been standing in them, perfectly still, and had managed to hide her thoughts so well that I hadn't realized she was practically right next to me. Her hair and eyes glowed in the sunset, and she seemed too beautiful and too ethereal to be part of this dreary landscape. â€Å"Hey,† I said. â€Å"Hey.† She wrapped her arms around herself, cold even in her coat. Moroi didn't have the same resistance to temperature changes that dhampirs did. What I found warm and springlike was still chilly to her. â€Å"I knew it,† she said. â€Å"Ever since that day they said his body was gone. Something told me you'd do this. I was just waiting.† â€Å"Can you read my mind now?† I asked ruefully. â€Å"No, I can just read you. Finally. I can't believe how blind I was. I can't believe I never noticed. Victor's comment†¦ he was right.† She glanced off at the sunset, then turned her gaze back on me. A flash of anger, both in her feelings and her eyes, hit me. â€Å"Why didn't you tell me?† she cried. â€Å"Why didn't you tell me you loved Dimitri?† I stared. I couldn't remember the last time Lissa had yelled at anyone. Maybe last fall, when all the Victor insanity had gone down. Loud outbursts were my thing, not hers. Even when torturing Jesse, her voice had been deadly quiet. â€Å"I couldn't tell anyone,† I said. â€Å"I'm your best friend, Rose. We've been through everything together. Do you really think I would have told? I would have kept it secret.† I looked at the ground. â€Å"I know you would have. I just†¦ I don't know. I couldn't talk about it. Not even to you. I can't explain it.† â€Å"How†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She groped for the question her mind had already formed. â€Å"How serious was it? Was it just you or – ?† â€Å"It was both of us,† I told her. â€Å"He felt the same. But we knew we couldn't be together, not with our age†¦and, well, not when we were supposed to be protecting you.† Lissa frowned. â€Å"What do you mean?† â€Å"Dimitri always said that if we were involved, we'd worry more about protecting each other than you. We couldn't do that.† Guilt coursed through her at the thought that she'd been responsible for keeping us apart. â€Å"It's not your fault,† I said quickly. â€Å"Surely†¦there must have been a way. †¦ It wouldn't have been a problem†¦.† I shrugged, unwilling to think about or mention our last kiss in the forest, back when Dimitri and I had thought we'd figured out a solution to all of our problems. â€Å"I don't know,† I said. â€Å"We just tried to stay apart. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn't.† Her mind was a tumble of emotions. She felt sorry for me, but at the same time, she was mad. â€Å"You should have told me,† she repeated. â€Å"I feel like you don't trust me.† â€Å"Of course I trust you.† â€Å"Is that why you're sneaking off?† â€Å"That has nothing to do with trust,† I admitted. â€Å"It's me†¦well, I didn't want to tell you. I couldn't bear to tell you I was leaving or explain why.† â€Å"I already know,† she said. â€Å"I figured it out.† â€Å"How?† I asked. Lissa was full of surprises today. â€Å"I was there. Last fall when we took that van into Missoula. The shopping trip? You and Dimitri were talking about Strigoi, about how becoming one makes you something twisted and evil†¦how it destroys the person you used to be and makes you do horrible things. And I heard †¦Ã¢â‚¬  She had trouble saying it. I had trouble hearing it, and my eyes grew wet. The memory was too harsh, thinking of sitting with him that day, back when we were first falling in love. Lissa swallowed and continued. â€Å"I heard you both say you'd rather die than become a monster like that.† Silence fell between us. The wind picked up and blew our hair around, dark and light. â€Å"I have to do this, Liss. I have to do it for him.† â€Å"No,† she said firmly. â€Å"You don't have to. You didn't promise him anything.† â€Å"Not in words, no. But you †¦ you don't understand.† â€Å"I understand that you're trying to cope and that this is as good a way as any. You need to find another way to let him go.† I shook my head. â€Å"I have to do this.† â€Å"Even if it means leaving me?† The way she said it, the way she looked at me †¦ oh God. A flood of memories flitted through my mind. We'd been together since childhood. Inseparable. Bound. And yet†¦Dimitri and I had been connected too. Damn it. I'd never wanted to have to choose between them. â€Å"I have to do this,† I said yet again. â€Å"I'm sorry.† â€Å"You're supposed to be my guardian and go with me to college,† she argued. â€Å"You're shadow-kissed. We're supposed to be together. If you leave me †¦Ã¢â‚¬  The ugly coil of darkness was starting to raise its head in my chest. My voice was tight when I spoke. â€Å"If I leave you, they'll get you another guardian. Two of them. You're the last Dragomir. They'll keep you safe.† â€Å"But they won't be you, Rose,† she said. Those luminous green eyes held mine, and the anger in me cooled. She was so beautiful, so sweet†¦ and she seemed so reasonable. She was right. I owed it to her. I needed to – â€Å"Stop it!† I yelled, turning away. She'd been using her magic. â€Å"Do not use compulsion on me. You're my friend. Friends don't use their powers on each other.† â€Å"Friends don't abandon each other,† she snapped back. â€Å"If you were my friend, you wouldn't do it.† I spun back toward her, careful not to look too closely into her eyes, in case she tried compulsion on me again. The rage in me exploded. â€Å"It's not about you, okay? This time, it's about me. Not you. All my life, Lissa †¦ all my life, it's been the same. They come first. I've lived my life for you. I've trained to be your shadow, but you know what? I want to come first. I need to take care of myself for once. I'm tired of looking out for everyone else and having to put aside what I want. Dimitri and I did that, and look what happened. He's gone. I will never hold him again. Now I owe it to him to do this. I'm sorry if it hurts you, but it's my choice!† I'd shouted the words, not even pausing for a breath, and I hoped my voice hadn't carried to the guardians on duty at the gate. Lissa was staring at me, shocked and hurt. Tears ran down her cheeks, and part of me shriveled up at hurting the person I'd sworn to protect. â€Å"You love him more than me,† she said in a small voice, sounding very young. â€Å"He needs me right now.† â€Å"I need you. He's gone, Rose.† â€Å"No,† I said. â€Å"But he will be soon.† I reached up my sleeve and took off the chotki she'd given me for Christmas. I held it out to her. She hesitated and then took it. â€Å"What's this for?† she asked. â€Å"I can't wear it. It's for a Dragomir guardian. I'll take it again when I †¦Ã¢â‚¬  I had almost said if, not when. I think she knew that. â€Å"When I get back.† Her hands closed around the beads. â€Å"Please, Rose. Please don't leave me.† â€Å"I'm sorry,† I said. There were no other words to offer up. â€Å"I'm sorry.† I left her there crying as I walked toward the gate. A piece of my soul had died when Dimitri had fallen. Turning my back on her now, I felt another piece die as well. Soon there wouldn't be anything left inside of me. The guardians at the gate were as shocked as the secretary and Kirova had been, but there was nothing they could do. Happy birthday to me, I thought bitterly. Eighteen at last. It was nothing like I had expected. They opened the gates and I stepped through, outside of the school's grounds and over the wards. The lines were invisible, but I felt strangely vulnerable and exposed, as if I'd leapt a great chasm. And yet, at the same time, I felt free and in control. I started walking down the narrow road. The sun was nearly gone; I'd have to rely on moonlight soon. When I was out of earshot of the guardians, I stopped and spoke. â€Å"Mason.† I had to wait a long time. When he appeared, I could barely see him at all. He was almost completely transparent. â€Å"It's time, isn't it? You're going†¦you're finally moving on to†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Well, I had no clue where he was moving on to. I didn't know anymore what lay beyond, whether it was the realms Father Andrew believed in or some entirely different world that I'd visited. Nonetheless, Mason understood and nodded. â€Å"It's been more than forty days,† I mused. â€Å"So I guess you're overdue. I'm glad †¦ I mean, I hope you find peace. Although I kind of hoped you'd be able to lead me to him.† Mason shook his head, and he didn't need to say a word for me to understand what he wanted to tell me. You're on your own now, Rose. â€Å"It's okay. You deserve your rest. Besides, I think I know where to start looking.† I'd thought about this constantly over the last week. If Dimitri was where I believed he was, I had a lot of work ahead of me. Mason's help would have been nice, but I didn't want to keep bothering him. It seemed like he had enough to deal with. â€Å"Goodbye,† I told him. â€Å"Thanks for your help I †¦ I'll miss you.† His form grew fainter and fainter, and just before it went altogether, I saw the hint of a smile, that laughing and mischievous smile I'd loved so much. For the first time since his death, thinking about Mason no longer devastated me. I was sad and I really would miss him, but I knew he'd moved on to something good – something really good. I no longer felt guilty. Turning away, I stared at the long road winding off ahead of me. I sighed. This trip might take awhile. â€Å"Then start walking, Rose,† I muttered to myself. I set off, off to kill the man I loved. As always, I can never express enough gratitude to the friends and family who hang with me through the ups and downs that go along with writing a book – let alone one as powerful as this. Many thanks to David and Christina for their speedy beta reading; to LA. Gordon and Sherry Kirk for their help with Russian; to Synde Korman for her help with Romanian; to my agent Jim McCarthy who is wise and does all the hard stuff for me; to editors Jessica Rothenberg and Ben Schrank for all of their guidance; to the Team Seattle authors for their distraction and good cheer; and to Jay for being infinitely patient†¦and even making a good joke once in a while.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Biblical Worldview Essay

Biblical worldview which can also be Christian worldview refers to the framework of ideas and beliefs through which a Christian individual, group or culture interprets the world and interacts with it. It is how one perceives the world through their Christian view. The world view impact the choices one may make throughout life and is based on our principles and ideas. Leadership for transformation: The impact of a Christian worldview states that â€Å"But worldviews are also ways of life, for beliefs direct us, values guide us, and principles motivate us to certain kinds of action and behavior.† There are many things in life that helps us shape our worldview in today’s society. Romans chapters 1-8 gives us vital information regarding identity, relationships, culture, and about the natural world. Natural world was created by God through his words. I believe and feel in my heart that God is the creator of heaven and earth and all things that exist. The article states that God is Creator, unseen but not without witness, beyond comprehension but not unknowable, powerful but not impersonal, and freedom granting but not controlling. In Romans 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse. God created day and night, he is responsible for the sun that shines in the day and the moon that is bight at night. He created men and women in the image of his likeness and with a purpose and plan. He created us so that we can form an intimate relationship with him. I also, believe that God created us in the natural world as sinners, and his son Jesus Christ was sent here to save us from our sins. Human Identity is based on our relationship that we form with God. Jeremiah 1:5 – Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. From the day that we were created it was for Gods purpose and plan for our lives. Once you accept Christ into your life you can then began to see your identity, it is based on our calling from the Lord. With Christ in your life you will see life in a whole different perspective. In Romans it talks about how our identity is rooted deeply in our commitment to God. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God† (Romans 8:14, KJV). So with that being said our identity is based on our relationship we have with God, not by our environment or surroundings. Romans teaches us  about how we should treat our human relationships. Sometimes human relationships are the most difficult and hardest to keep in order. In Romans the first chapter 29th verse. It explains how we are filled with unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, deceit, malignity; whispers. Romans shows us that we are all full of sin and we must turn to God and have a relationship with him, before we can have form human relationships. When you have a relationship with God you can learn how to treat others and respect others. Romans 12:10 Be kindly affectionate one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another. When you help and be a blessing to others, God will bless you abundantly. When we are unfaithful to God we run the risk of affecting our human relationships. Being that we were created in God’s image it is only right that we love each other as God loves us. According to John Valk article all humans are to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of their situation or station in life. Romans also had messages containing culture in its scriptures. Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. God is not a God of color, or culture it is for anyone who believes in God and follow his commandments. D. Kim article states that we assume that morality is culturally relative, that ideas and beliefs emerge historically by cultural forces, and are not right or wrong in any final sense. Different cultures have different beliefs, but in Romans it speaks of only believing in the word of God. Romans tells us the God does not save according to cultures, he saves by people believing and having faith. So, now after the knowledge I received from reading Romans is that I have to trust and believe in God, no matter what culture I’m from. In conclusion after we have learned that Romans Is immense and detailed. It gives us information for our salvation. That nothing in our lives or without God or by accident. It teaches us that we must believe in God to know and understand or identity, to form our human relationships, and understand that culture does not exist when you believe in God. I am so glad that God saw fit to send his only begotten so that we can be saved from our sins. BIBLIOGRAPHY Kim, David. & McCalman, David. (2012). Journal of business ethics: The sacred/secular divide and the Christian worldview, Vol. 109 2: 203-208 Valk, J. (2010), Leadership for transformation: The impact of a Christian worldview. J Leadership Studies, 4: 83-86. doi: 10. 1002

Saturday, September 28, 2019


ROLE OF ABU DHABI POLICE IN REDUCING SERIOUS OF ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS TO IMPROVE THE TRAFFIC SAFETY IN EMIRATE OF ABU DHABI - Dissertation Example The study discussed that urban traffic calming schemes are often implemented in residential areas in town as a means of decreasing the environmental and safety issues prompted by road traffic. A hierarchical road system was created and through traffic was eliminated from residential streets via street closures or one-way road systems. Speed-slowing devices were often put up in residential areas. The main roads were managed in order to ensure larger traffic volume without necessarily causing delays or accidents. The meta-analysis indicates how traffic calming techniques generally decrease accidents by about 15%, with the most reduction in accidents observed in the residential areas. A similar decrease in accidents is also seen in main roads. Reductions are also observed in terms of property damage only incidents. General results in evaluation studies are rich in terms of study design and no evidence of publication issues in the evaluation studies was observed. The results also have a significant degree of external validity. In relation to road safety engineering, the management of horizontal curves was also considered in the New Zealand study by Charlton (2007). The study indicates how driver errors related to horizontal curves was caused by three-related issues – failure in driver attention, miscalculation on speed and curves, and improper lane positioning. The study indicated how advance warning signs on their own are not effective in decreasing speeds, as when they are used in combination with chevron sight boards and/or repeater arrows. Among the road marking treatments used, only the rumble strips indicated any major decrease in speed. Herringbones road marking was seen to create major improvements in driver’s lane positions, allowing the flattening of drivers’ pathways within the curves. The combined use of herringbones and chevron with the repeater arrow signs indicated a significant decrease in speed including improvements in lane po sitioning. These results indicate evidence that treatments which support perceptual signs are the most valuable remedies in managing the curve speeds for drivers. A similar study by Afukaar (2010) sought to assess road safety engineering measures, specifically for developing countries. This study indicated how vehicle speed was a factor in vehicle crashes, with Ghana used as an example. The study revealed how main driver errors mostly referred to vehicle speeds. Rumble strips and speed humps proved to be effective measures in Ghana’s roads. The rumble strips indicated on the primary Accra-Kumasi highway decreased the incidents of crashes to about 35% and deaths to 55%. Decreasing speeds may be an effective remedy in decreasing traffic crashes for low income states; however the decreased speed limits are not effective interventions without the traffic law enforcement tools needed to guarantee that limits are observed. Developing states must consider the lack of other speed con trol measures, including rumble strips and speed bumps, as well as lanes which separate slow and high-speed users, and other solutions like speed governors, and improved awareness of the issue Abu Dhabi road safety practices In general, there are few studies which have specifically covered the road safety practices in Abu Dhabi. Majority of the studies on road safety practice have covered the entire United Arab Emirates. Some of these studies shall be included in this review. Bener and Alwash (2002) discussed how

Friday, September 27, 2019

Criminal Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Criminal Law - Essay Example The main purposes of having criminal laws are just twofold: to state public morality and to set the boundaries within the society. In a society, there are various non-verbal practices that have been put to law, because the members of the society deem it as offending or inappropriate. So when an individual violates a rule which is establish by the society, or perhaps a public moral, then that individual would be punished for intentionally breaking the rule, because his action implies that he is intentionally causing disharmony to the society. Law, or criminal law in this case, seeks to have these individuals accountable for the criminal actions they have committed. This is done through having legal actions against them, like imprisonment or fines. Criminal law is based on many written sources, all of them from laws. These are constitutional, administrative, statutory, common and case laws. Constitutional law deals with the U.S. Constitution: how it has to be interpreted and implemente d. All the laws are subordinate of the constitution. If, say, a law is in conflict with the Constitution, the Supreme Court acts on it and deem it unconstitutional. Administrative laws are made by the government offices, agencies and commissions. They are semi-judicial or semi-legislative in character but they often have criminal penalties. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) are examples of administrative agencies that make this kind of laws. They can also formulate rules and investigations and also impose sanctions. Statutory laws are those which are passed as statutes by the Congress and other state legislative bodies. The federal government has its own set of statutory laws as well as the state government. Federal law sometimes overlaps with the federal law. Common law is based on the universal practices and notions of the society. It is also known as judge-made law, where the judges created the common law by r uling that certain actions are deemed as crimes and they are punishable. The judges also defined that certain offenses like rape and murder are crimes against the state. This originated in England in the twelfth century. Case laws are laws that laws that have resulted from court decisions and interpretations of statutory law. This is often the result when certain court decisions have not yet been codified. One of the most common justification and excuse defense used is self-defense and insanity. A justification or excuse in jurisprudence is a defense against criminal charges and it’s commonly used as a means to grant exception for a person which may have criminal liabilities (excuse) or as a means to vindicate an act (justice). These defenses have similar but different functions. Justification was already seen in Early English law but they were for remission of the criminal’s punishments, which is basically just a dismissal of criminal charges. Justification also means that criminal charges be dismissed because an individual enforcement of the law or for the benefit of the public. Excuse began as a plea for mercy and often used psychology to support the acts of crime. Therefore, justification implies that it is for the common good, and for the uniformity of the people in the society while excuse is a highly individualized defense, depending on the accused psychological assessment. For example, self-defense is commonly used as

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Tuskegee Syphilis Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Tuskegee Syphilis Study - Research Paper Example There were 600 subjects, all who were African American men. There were a total of 399 men who tested positive from syphilis and 201 who were not infected. The objective of the study was to learn the effects of Syphilis on men. Upon the discovery of penicillin, it was not administered to those who were sick. When the study began, rules and guidelines on how to treat human beings in an experimental study had not been developed. As the study went on regulations on how to treat human subjects were coined. Tuskegee Syphilis Study ignored the guideline; hence, it became one of the most unethical studies ever conducted on human beings (Baker, 1260). Public health law created by Henderson Act in 1943 directed all people who had been diagnosed with syphilis to get penicillin treatment. Penicillin had been prescribed as the best treatment appropriate and safe for syphilis. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study failed to comply. World health Organization in 1964 through a declaration presented regulations on how human subjects should be treated in a study. In Tuskegee Syphilis Study, the subjects were not given treatment. Lack of treatment exposed the subjects to possible death. Tuskegee Syphilis Study ignored the regulations which implied that the value of human life was higher than the results of the study. Moreover, the declaration required a study to be discontinued if it causes harm to the subjects. The benefits of the study should be abandoned if the study endangered the subjects. Additionally, the consent of the human subjects was made mandatory and should be written before the study commences. Tuskegee Syphilis Study did not get the consent of the subject, nor did they inform them what the research entailed. They thought they were benefitting from the medical procedures (Gray, 35). Curran (730) mentions that, the Tuskegee Syphilis Study completely failed to follow the ethics and did not give protection to the subjects. After the introduction of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The importance of effective care management practices in the nursing Essay

The importance of effective care management practices in the nursing - Essay Example The researcher states that effective care management is essential for the betterment of nursing management and also for the betterment of the overall society. A patient gets satisfied if the nurse delivers him an effecting and caring service and also the disease of the patient gets cured with ease. Nurses are required to implement effective care management practices with the help of team work and collaboration with others (doctors and patients). Nursing can be described as a service profession where nurses play two basic roles: care provider and care manager. As a care provider the main role of a nurse is to provide greater care to her patients who are suffering from diseases or health-related problems. As a care manager the main role of a nurse is to provide her patient a comfortable environment and practices to get rid of all the pains and sufferings. Effective care management is an essential requirement for the purpose of providing effective nursing services to patients. The notio n of care management is particularly important for nurses because they are the most important care provider to the patients. It is also because they are the care manager of the most important service sector in society, the health care sector. Among all care management practices the nursing care management is the most important care management practice in health care sector of society. Care management practices have been recognised not as professions which require professional status; rather care management has been identified as one of the most important practices in service sectors of the society.... It is also because they are the care manager of the most important service sector in society, the health care sector. Among all care management practices the nursing care management is the most important care management practice in health care sector of society. Care management practices have been recognised not as professions which require professional status; rather care management has been identified as one of the most important practices in service sectors of the society (Cress, 2010, p.400). Care management is described not as a necessity for the purpose of improving health conditions of a person, but it is looked as a critical strategy element of health plans of the society. Effective management of care and chronic health conditions are absolute necessities in modern society; not only from society’s point-of-view, but also from economic point-of-view. From society’s perspective greater health care management leads to greater effective and improves health condition s of the society. From the perspective of economics, effective health care management means greater savings in terms of human resource through effective health conditions of societies (Berger, 1999, p.199). The notion of care management can be used as one of the most important concepts in health care sector, nursing management. Nursing management can be described as a process where nursing resources are coordinated and integrated to deliver an organised high-client care to different individuals and groups or communities. This nursing management requires collaborations and team works among different agents who are involved in the heal care service sector of the society (Nagelkerk, 2006, pp.9-10). The notion of care

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

To what extent where the efforts made by the Le Chambon Village in Essay

To what extent where the efforts made by the Le Chambon Village in France (Protestant Church- Pastor Andre Trocme) succesful in - Essay Example Post World War II the Nazi leaders focused their attention on the permanent removal of the Jewish population from Germany as well as from the entire Europe. Initially the German authorities launched ‘ghettos’ where all the Polish, German, Austrian and Czech Jews were deported to these ‘ghettos’. ‘Ghettos’ were districts where the Jewish population was segregated from other communities and were forced to live in miserable conditions. Building ghettos was a temporary measure taken by the German authorities. But very soon long term methods of abolishing the Jewish pollution were adopted by Hitler. Initially German armed forces conducted a shooting operation on the Jews. Very soon gas vans comprising of poisonous carbon monoxide was introduced by the German police. In the year 1939 Hitler implemented ‘Final Solution’ to assassinate millions of Jews in Europe by the help of poison gas, shooting and other means, â€Å" the vision of the Final Solution- a program aimed at murdering every last Jew in the German grasp- had crystallized in the minds of the Nazi leadership and was henceforth being turned into reality.† (Browning, 424) During the Holocaust in Europe under Hitler’s regime, France offered some hope by resisting this barbaric act of Final Solution. France was ruled by the powerful Vichy government. The government adopted measures to protect the Jews from the Germans. Telephone workers who worked under the instruction of the Vichy authorities intercepted messages and the railway workers developed a resistant group against the German’s to protect the Jews from been killed. The people of the Le Chambon Village in France under the leadership of Pastor Andre Trocme along with the help of other powerful leaders and government and by following the ideology of the Protestant Movement were able to rescue the lives of many Jews. In the year 1939, France had the maximum number of Jewish population than any other state in the entire European continent. In the year 1940, the Jews were deported to the unoccupied zone of France that was ruled by the Vichy government under the supervision of the Nazi army. The Jews travelled to the Vichy France in a hope to get protection from the Germans. But the Jews had to face fierce discriminations in the Vichy France as were prevalent in Germany. After France faced defeat in the hands of German, the German authorities shifted their focus and attention on the matters related to the possibilities of defeat of Britain and Russia in War. The Jews, who were residing in the Vichy France, were temporarily relieved from the wrath of the Nazis. The prevention methods adopted by the Vichy France had no intention of murdering the Jews. In the Vichy France, discriminations of the Jews were highly prevalent especially in the employment sectors. People of pure French origin were only eligible for the public sector jobs. The Jews were forced to hand over t heir residence to the Vichy government. The Jews who were residing in France for longer period of time were expected to be assimilated in the French nation. In the Wannsee Conference that was held in Berlin to solve the Jewish question new strategies and decisions were taken about the Jews in a form of final solution. During the Holocaust in France, a small village called Le Chambon-sur-lignon in France protected the lives of nearly five thousand Jews by providing shelter to them. France

Monday, September 23, 2019

Herodotus Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Herodotus - Assignment Example The ancient Greeks were active seafarers seeking opportunity to find new independent cities to trade with at the coast across Mediterranean Sea. These new cities act as their trading station. In these stations Greek goods such as pottery ( 2009.529), bronze, silver, gold vessels olive oil, wine and textiles were exchange for luxury items and toxic raw materials that were in turn worked by Greek craftsmen. They established trading enclaves within existing local communities. The port town of Naukratis (1972.118.142) served as a commercial headquarters for Greek traders in Egypt. A well established maritime trade routes around the Mediterranean basin enable foreigners to travel to Greece. After the military campaign of Alexandra the great (336_323 B.C.), more extensive trade routes were opened across Asia and extending towards Afghanistan and Indus River Valley ( History 101, lecture 4). The population of the Greeks and their interaction with other societies greatly increased due to trading activity they were involved in. They also had no wring emphasis they only had oral forms of interaction. Since early Greeks had no political administration and institution, local communities were dominated by â€Å"big man† (History 102, lecture 4). The big man was not a king or official or someone with inherited position within an institution but a popular guy and a good warrior who attract followers. The Greeks were greatly involve in warfare unlike other society. They were notoriously aggressive warriors (Drews & Robert, 2009). They â€Å"fought to live and lived to fight† and ‘drunk the blood of their enemies and used the scalps as napkins†. The heavily armed soldiers were standing in a long, parallel

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Leadership - Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership - Communication - Essay Example Yet the most effective managers, those whose executive action is likely to have the highest level of value within an organization, have the qualities of leadership in addition to management skill. Strategic decision-making depends upon those who have both of these skill sets. An executive who understands the mechanical nuances of his/her organization and is able to manipulate processes to achieve desired outcomes is an effective manager. Add to that the ability to articulate a vision and to influence others to work toward it and you have an effective manager with leadership qualities. This manager, trained to exercise independent, critical judgment, is well equipped for strategic decision-making (Hellwich, 2004). The characteristics of leadership that foster strategic decision-making are often tied to the personal characteristics or qualities of the executive. Leadership is more ability than a skill, although there has been significant debate about whether leadership characteristics can be learned. The dimensions of a leader fall into the categories of charisma, vision, interpersonal skill, and ethical responsibility, to name but a few. These qualities, when possessed by an organization's executives, are strongly linked to strategic decision-making. Without them, an executive is merely a high level manager or administrator without the ability to impact the strategic direction of the organization. Leadership is somew

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Individualized Intervention Essay Example for Free

Individualized Intervention Essay The book lays its emphases on the 12-year old Community Treatment Project (CTP) based in California. It focuses on corrections for both international and national community based programs. It uses strategies and techniques that have been field-tested and developed to work with serious problems regarding staff/youth matching and youth groups. It points out the major issues concerning adolescence and its many challenges. Brent, R. â€Å"Working with Challenging Youth: Lessons Learned Along the Way. † Routledge Mental Health 205 (2000). Youth who are challenging have become a big problem in recent time, as many professionals would acclaim, and not one that is going away any soon. Despite this, research has failed to come up with the effective methods to deal with this kind of problem. This book provides a practical approach to working with this youth. It provides counselors with strategies and considerations, on its 47 lessons on the six philosophical principles to be used by the at-risk youth counselors. Robert, C. D. â€Å"Counseling Troubled Youth†. Westminster John Knox Press 144 (1997). The author teaches pastoral caregivers practical and theoretical wisdom to enable them guide the youth to gain or find their lost self respect through the use of case studies. Charles, E. M. â€Å"Counseling with Young People. † Association Press (1954); 144 This book provides councilors with facts that they can use to effectively guide young people in their day to day activities. It also presents them with the best strategies to help in their interpersonal relationship. It portrays the councilor as a leader who should lead the children to a better life. It also touches on personal development and self concept. Kenneth, U. G. , Herman, J. P. â€Å"Counseling with Youth: in Search for Identity:† Merrill (1973); 128 This book helps counselors with techniques to help young people to get identity in adolescence. It majors mostly on adolescent psychology and pattern of reaction

Friday, September 20, 2019

Individual and Environmental Impacts on Businesses

Individual and Environmental Impacts on Businesses The key for business achievement or success requires two elements the individual and the environment. Absence of either value makes the goal unachievable. All components of a business environment have a direct or indirect relation on business. The outside factors, forces that cannot be controlled by an individual business enterprise and their management and have the capability to influence the business enterprise is termed as Business Environment. It includes every exterior forces within which a business organizations functions. Working of the business process is influenced by these forces and factors. Thus these forces and factors which stay outside the business, that are uncontrollable by single business entity but have an effect on business is called Business Environment. These factors or forces are customer, competitors, government, creditors, socio-cultural organizations, national and international organizations, political parties etc. These factors affect the business directly and indirectly according to its nature The business environment classified into three: Remote or General environment Industry environment Competitive environment Fig: Environmental Analysis According to Henry (2008), an organization has only two main environments i.e general and competitive environment. The competitive environment consists of industry and markets in which the organization operates. General environment is also named as macro-environment. The name Macro-environment is because the fluctuations that occur in this environment, will have an effect that go beyond the limits of the firms and industries. The below figure shows the connection between competitive and general environment of a firm as per Henry (2008): REMOTE OR GENERAL ENVIRONMENT: Remote environment can be also called as General environment and macro environment. Macro factors are generally more uncontrollable whereas micro environment factors are controllable as compared to macro factors. When macro factors become unmanageable the success of the business relies on the flexibility of the business to the changing environment. According to Hill and Jones,(2009), Macro-environmental factors sometimes influence the nation as a whole . Explained below are some of the macro environment factors. Economic Environment: The sum total of the nature of economic system of the country, business cycles, the socio-economic infrastructure etc is referred as Economic environment. Success of a business man depends on visualizing the outside factors influencing business, foreseeing changes that may occur in market conditions and making maximum return on minimum investment considering these outside or external factors. Social Environment: The value system of the society, which has an influence on the running of the business, is determined by the social dimension or environment of that Nation. Sociological elements that have an extensive impact on the business are costs structure, customs and conventions, mobility of labour etc. Work culture and mobility of labour, work groups etc are determined by the above factors. Political Environment: Political organizations including philosophy of political parties, ideology of government or party in power, character and level of bureaucracy influence of primary groups etc are influenced by the political environment of a country. The business, to a great extent, is affected by the political environment of a Nation Legal Environment: Legal environment comprises flexibility and malleability of law and other legal rules governing the business. The exact rulings and decision of the courts might be included. These concern the business and its administrators to a great extent. Technical Environment: Development of technology in country has a great influence on the business. The variety and quality of goods and services to be produced and the nature, quality etc of plant and machinery to be used are determined by the technology opted by the industry. Following are also affected by technical environment, the business in terms of investment in technology, consistent application of technology and the effects of technology on markets. COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT This means an environment in which competitions between organizations are high. A minute change in customers and competitors affects competitive plan of organization. It includes inventions of new products by competitors, developing new channels of distribution and emergence of new customer value. So competitive environment is closely related to the firm than the general environment.(Dobson 2004). Problems or opportunities resulting from variation in the competitive environment and in customer necessities are recognized by competitive environment analysis. Based on sound analysis, this procedure should be seen as dynamic, resourceful, and opportunity-focused. Thus two main areas that needs to be focused in this: Customer analysis Customer analysis at the business entity level involves building a complete understanding of customers, their needs and wants, and how these changes within a given market (market segmentation). Moreover, importance must be given to these changing needs, how is it occurring and what an organization should do to bring in change to the marketplace. Growth comes not by duplicating the competitors but by introducing creative and innovative strategy with flexibility, keeping in mind the changes that may occur in future to market conditions. Like any analysis, it is also done to identify the innovative strategies or plans that will create value for the business. Competitor analysis This analysis is undertaken at the business-unit level. With specific competitors, we assume that the unit in question is engaged in oligopolistic competition in which the market is dominated by small number of sellers. In a perfect competition there is no purpose of this analysis .While conducting competitor analysis, we have to follow certain defined procedure. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN GENERAL AND COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENTS Firms collect information to take decisions regarding current running of business and for future decision making through a combined calculation of internal and external Environments. Elements that compose general environment in a wider society influence the industry and the firms in that industry. These are classified into six environmental segments: demographic, economic, political/legal, socio-cultural, technological, and global. A firm does not have a direct control over the general environments segments and elements. For making appropriate decisions and plans, successful companies collects amounts of data and information so that they can identify or understand each segment and implications to be done. Competitor analysis refers to the way or method in which how companies collect and interpret information about their competitors. Understanding the firms competitor environment complements the insights provided by studying the general environment helps identifying in the firms competitor environment. Strategic intent, strategic mission, and strategic actions of a firm are developed as a result of the three analysis that are done to identify the outside environment. General environment analysis is focused on the future on the other hand analyses of competitors are focused on forecasting the dynamics of competitors actions, responses, and plans. Although we discuss each analysis separately, if we integrate the information gained from both the two analysis, performance of the firm is improved to a great extent.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Graduation Speech -- Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

It amazes me that we are finally here! Throughout the years, I have often thought about this moment. How it would feel to be with all of you, in our caps and gowns, finally graduating. I remember as a child, thinking about what I would look like when I was "all grown up," how I would act, who I would love and what kind of person I would become. And now here it all is, we're ready, we're done with high school, and I couldn't be more thrilled or scared! We go through this twelve-year metamorphosis, and then one day, we wake up and its over, our ascent into adulthood has come. We're ready to face all that life has to throw at us, to make a life for ourselves, outside of school and childhood, to go to college, take a year off or get a job. Yet at the same time, it can be terrifying to complete...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Powerful Symbols and Symbolism of The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays

The Powerful Symbol of the Scarlet Letter      Ã‚  Ã‚   In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne's scarlet token liberates her more than it punishes her.   First of all, Hester's soul is freed by her admission of her crime; by enduring her earthly punishment, Hester is assured of a place in the heavens.   Also, though her appearance is much hampered by the scarlet letter, her mind is freed by it, that an intellectual passion rises from her isolation and suffering.   Finally, it defines her identity, for the letter makes Hester the woman that she is; it gives her roots, character, and a uniqueness to her being that sets her apart from the other Puritans.   The scarlet letter is indeed a blessing to Hester Prynne, more than the curse she believes it to be.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The scarlet symbol of ignominy may have defiled Hester's public image, yet it has been a benefit rather than a bane to her soul, for by admitting her crime to the crowd, her soul is freed from two hells:   first, the fiery pit where she would otherwise go after death, and second, the own personal hell Hester will create for herself if she had chosen to hide her sin in her heart. Though it was ordered for Hester to wear the letter, it was still her own choice to make it in a vivid scarlet, "so fantastically embroidered and illuminated upon her bosom."   Hester chose red as the color of her brand of shame, to declare to the rest of the townspeople that she is prepared to acknowledge her sin, instead of denying it; she could have chosen to wear her "A" in a plain and nondistinct color, to escape the townspeople's disdain.   By displaying her guilt however, she is granted the opportunity to face her punishment bravely, thus through her public humiliation, she achieves freedom from the personal guilt of not suffering enough for her crimes.   Furthermore, "the scarlet letter, forthwith seemed to scorch into Hester's breast, as if it had been red-hot." The scarlet A's glowing embers, scorching they may be, also serve to heal, for the pain they inflict on Hester enables her to properly atone for her sin; by devoting this lifetime to repentance and expiation, she would receive relief in Powerful Symbols and Symbolism of The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays The Powerful Symbol of the Scarlet Letter      Ã‚  Ã‚   In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne's scarlet token liberates her more than it punishes her.   First of all, Hester's soul is freed by her admission of her crime; by enduring her earthly punishment, Hester is assured of a place in the heavens.   Also, though her appearance is much hampered by the scarlet letter, her mind is freed by it, that an intellectual passion rises from her isolation and suffering.   Finally, it defines her identity, for the letter makes Hester the woman that she is; it gives her roots, character, and a uniqueness to her being that sets her apart from the other Puritans.   The scarlet letter is indeed a blessing to Hester Prynne, more than the curse she believes it to be.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The scarlet symbol of ignominy may have defiled Hester's public image, yet it has been a benefit rather than a bane to her soul, for by admitting her crime to the crowd, her soul is freed from two hells:   first, the fiery pit where she would otherwise go after death, and second, the own personal hell Hester will create for herself if she had chosen to hide her sin in her heart. Though it was ordered for Hester to wear the letter, it was still her own choice to make it in a vivid scarlet, "so fantastically embroidered and illuminated upon her bosom."   Hester chose red as the color of her brand of shame, to declare to the rest of the townspeople that she is prepared to acknowledge her sin, instead of denying it; she could have chosen to wear her "A" in a plain and nondistinct color, to escape the townspeople's disdain.   By displaying her guilt however, she is granted the opportunity to face her punishment bravely, thus through her public humiliation, she achieves freedom from the personal guilt of not suffering enough for her crimes.   Furthermore, "the scarlet letter, forthwith seemed to scorch into Hester's breast, as if it had been red-hot." The scarlet A's glowing embers, scorching they may be, also serve to heal, for the pain they inflict on Hester enables her to properly atone for her sin; by devoting this lifetime to repentance and expiation, she would receive relief in

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ancient Greek Theater Architecture Essay -- Architecture History

Ancient Greek Theater Architecture Many aspects of ancient Greek theaters have long been studied and debated. Much of the information about these theaters is based on speculation due to the fact that so little of them still exist today. This lack of remnants especially applies to the architecture of the early Greek Theaters. However, through archeological finds and years of studying the people, the plays, and the architecture of the time, we are able to make many conclusions about these early structures. Greek Theaters are classified into three categories: The early Athenian Theaters, Hellenistic Theaters, and Graeco-Roman Theaters. Like most new inventions or creations, the initial theaters built by the Athenians were very simple. In the fifth century B.C., it became popular to build theaters on the slope of a large hill, or an acropolis, the most famous, being in Athens. These early theaters could be divided into three parts. The theater consisted of the theatron (or auditorium), the orchestra, and the skene (or scene building) (Betancourt). The Greeks would eventually perfect a technique that would fit as many spectators into the theatron as possible. At first the spectators sat on the ground until wooden bleachers were installed. After it was discovered that the wooden bleachers were prone to collapsing, permanent stone seating was built. The architects created concentric tiers of seats that followed the circular shape of the orchestra and hugged the rising ground of a hillside, following the natural contours of the land. Usually, theatrons were symmetrical; however, there do remain examples of irregularly shaped theatrons. A horizontal passage called the diazoma separated the theatron into halves, thu... ...heater of the fifth century B.C. has been lost forever due to changes made by the Romans. This leaves scholars of today with scant evidence of ancient Greek Theater architecture. Works Cited Allen, James T. The Greek Theater of the Fifth Century Before Christ. Berkeley, California: University of Californioa Press, 1924. Betancourt, Philip P. The Ancient Greek Theater. CD-ROM. New York: Pseudo News Films & CD-ROMS, 1996. Brockett, Oscar G. History of the Theatre. 8th ed. London: Secker & Warburg British Broadcasting Corporation, 1984. Harwood, Ronald. All the World’s A Stage. London: Secker & Warburg British Broadcasting Corporation, 1984. Nicoll, Allardyce. The Development of the Theater. 6th ed. London: George G. Harrap & Company Ltd, 1966 Corrigan, Robert W. Classical Tragedy Greek and Roman. New York: Applause, 1990.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The article talks about animal rights

The article talks about animal rights. The writer illustrates both argument, for and against, in his article. The writer starts by explaining the meaning of animal rights, which includes no experimenting, breeding, killing animals and no zoos or using animals for entertaining. The people for animal rights argue that both human beings and adult mammals have rights because they are both ‘subjects-of-a-life’. On the other hand, the people against animal rights argue that animals don’t think, not conscious. Also animals these people argue that animals were put on earth to serve human beings.This view comes originally from the Bible, but probably reflects a basic human attitude towards other species. Christian theologians developed this idea – St Augustine taught that â€Å"by a most just ordinance of the Creator, both their [animals'] life and their death are subject to our use. † They also argue that animals don’t have souls as Christian theologi ans used to teach that only being with souls deserved ethical consideration. In addition, animals don’t behave morally and are not the members of the ‘moral community’.The arguments goes, why should human beings have obligations towards animals, if animals don't have obligations to other animals or to human beings? I agree that animals should have rights. In my opinion, animals are also like humans, they should also be given certain among of rights and respect. However, I think that the rights should be limited, as animals are not like human. They lacking in the ability to judge right or wrong and may behave immorally. Therefore, if full rights are given to animals, it may be rather ironic; imagine punishing a dog for biting someone in the court.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

I Turned over the Question Paper

I turned over the question paper, I flipped through all the pages. I did not know how to answer any of the questions. I racked my brain to recall what I had studied yesterday but I barely could remember anything. I viewed around the class and found all my classmates were poring over and solving the question papers intently. My bosom friend, Serene was sitting beside me at the corner of the class. I doubted I was the only one who was still musing. The exam started at 10 a. m. and now the wall clock above the whiteboard was showing 10. 30 a. m. Time really flew, but I still had not even written a single word on my question paper. I started to have butterflies in my stomach. ‘What can I do now? ’ I kept asking myself. My brilliant yet filthy mind suddenly thought of an idea. I occasionally threw surreptitious glances at Serene. When I noticed Miss Lim was busy marking the exam papers, I rapidly threw a folded memo I had written to Serene: ‘Serene, please pass me your paper for just a couple of minutes. ‘ I could sense that she hesitated for a split second, however, she still handed her question paper to me in a swift manner so that Miss Lim would not have realised what we were actually doing. Serene was like my angel, she had always been part and parcel of my life since we had first met in Form 1. With lightning speed, I copied the answers favourably but apprehensively. My jubilance came to an abrupt end when I heard a discreet cough from behind. It was Miss Lim! She speedily snatched the question papers from me and glanced at me with the eyes of a hawk. It was too late for me to react when Serene beckoned me as I was profoundly concentrating with what I was doing. Then her creepy eyes turned to Serene who was close to tears. Her tears had yet accumulated in her guilty eyes. Miss Lim was too dazed to even talk. I could sense that all eyes were looking at us at that moment. Regaining her composure, she asked all the students to continue with their exam and took us out of the class. Just then, she made a phone call to our well-known discipline teacher, Mr Lambert. Mr Lambert took us to his discipline room together with the question papers in his hand. He scrutinised the question papers attentively. We thought he would have scolded us as loud as thunder until the staffroom located a few miles away could hear us. Surprisingly, he did not. He looked at us with his smiley and warmth face. Tears welled up in our eyes and we tried to hold them back. However, we could not. They started flowing down our cheeks. He waited with the patience of a saint until we had finished and asked us if we wanted to tell him why and how everything had happened. We told him. I confessed that I was the one who insisted Serene to pass me her question paper. He gave us a lecture and warned us not to repeat the same thing in future if not we would be suspended from school. Each of us was given a warning letter and our parents were called to the school. We vowed to Mr Lambert that we would never cheat again during examinations. From that day onwards, we were renowned to be the best cheaters ever.

The Evolution Of American Slavery

Indentured servitude was, in Colonial America, one of the first forms of slavery. Indentured servitude was a successful in that it gave both the master and servant, or slave, incentive to do their job. Indentured servants were contracted in for a period of time, typically five years, in which at the time of completion they received freedom dues. Freedom dues were money, land, and guns and such. All expenses of travel and living were paid by the master, so it seemed like a great plan for a poor Englishmen, but was not at all the case. Only forty percent of indentured reverts lived to complete their contracts.Following indentured servants, the first African slaves came into Virginia in 1619. Colonial America would soon fall dependent upon African slaves, and by 1 700 African slave establishment would nearly entirely replace indentured servants. In this year there were around 27,81 7 slaves. In 1740, there were 1 50,024 slaves. Within thirty years after the slave population had grown to nearly a fifth of the colonial population, at 462,000. The European demand for tobacco soon became a primary drive for slaveholders. It is estimated that between 1700 and 1 775 theChesapeake slave population grew from 1 to 1 million. Tobacco became a major economic factor, and slaves were needed to farm the large amounts desired to export. This brought a higher demand for slaves as well. The population of saves began to grow everywhere. As slave numbers increased, so the racial difference between blacks and whites. Slaves had poor conditions most of the timer and in result came revolts and abolition movements. The most well known revolt was led by Nat Turner, a slave and preacher. The revolt was a short and bloody attack on Southampton County, Virginia.Revolts were usually covered before they ever actually took action. Acts like these were not tolerated, and all people involved were to be hung. Cases were brought to the Supreme Court in the defense of and removal of slavery. Cases backing the removal of slavery usually lost. One example was the Dried Scott Case. It was ruled that Congress did not have the right to ban slavery in the states, and also stated that slaves were not citizens so therefore held no rights in America. Slavery was eventually abolished completely by President Lincoln issuing the Emancipation Proclamation and the declaring of the ThirteenthAmendment. Although Lincoln was assassinated before it was passed, it was passed and put into effect soon after the Civil War. The evolution of slavery in America was a long and complicated issue. From Start to finish, slavery had its perks and downfalls. It was a unfortunate institution for many, and brought many differences throughout its expansion and growth. However, it was necessary in the upbringing of the United States, and so was its abolishment. We still the effects of our past today, and perhaps always will as long as it is studied, as it should.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Proposal For Water Heating and Conservation Essay

Thank you very much for your interest in our consultancy firm. It is great to know that you have a wonderful property at hand, but still recognize the need to make it even more special for yourself, and hence are considering a consultation. It would a great privilege to work with you on this project. Statement of the Problem To begin with, it would be prudent to identify and recognize the problem that we are in a capacity to solve for you. While some real estate owners consider handing over their entire set of construction related woes to a single firm, in today’s specialized and competitive times, it is best to go to a particular domain specialist for particular needs. In this case, it is impractical to think that a single agency can do everything. Our expertise is in water heating and water conservation, and that does form a vital and prominent part of your overall home condition. It is important to note here that the house is more than 100 years old, and hence the water tanks, piping and water heating have possibly deteriorated and need immediate attention. Their further negligence could have serious consequences. Also, as apparent from your letter, water conservation seems be also an issue with the house. The information you give regarding toilets, tanks, washing machines and showers all give an indication that you can have a more water conserved living. These are the main problems that we can help you with. Background of the Problem The most important thing to note is that the house is more than 100 years ago, and that is a defining aspect of the overall construction. Also, it seems like the original construction has not been modified or renovated and this is the main reason that heating and water conservation are likely to have been affected. There have been a lot of changes in the previous century related to developing newer and better techniques for water heating and conservation, and we will keep these in mind. Also, a growing concern in the past few years has been global warming, and as responsible citizens we all need to ensure that your ecological footprints are kept to a minimum. And the fact of the matter is that effective water heating and conservation of water forms an integral part of this. This is thus an area that needs quick attention. Overall, looking at the background of the problem, we would like to offer you tailor made solutions which will leverage current installations and also be cost effective for you, given your constraints. We intend to look for materials that provide the right quality at the right price. Let us articulate the various options that you can consider for this aspect of your home. Water Heating and Water Conservation Options The market today offers a plethora of options, and you can choose what you would like to go with, and that too when, depending on your preference and also the funds at your disposal at any given time. Some of the most popular ones are: a) Rainwater Harvesting The most simple and also the most effective method for water conservation is that of rainwater harvesting. Rainwater harvesting is an ideal option to utilize water that is from the environment itself and can easily be a part of your daily water requirements. Right from your gardening needs, to household water usage, to even more advanced uses can all be met using rainwater harvesting. The best part of this technique is that it is simple and requires collection and storage devices, and subsequently devices on efficiently utilize the water that has been retained. We can provide you with customized rainwater harvesting solutions, and design systems for collection, storage and also for a great utilization plan. Since you have slanted roofs, we can customize mechanisms to suit your needs. b) Water Efficiency From the information that you have given regarding water usage devices, there is definitely a scope for modifications and replacements. For example, the toilets with six single liter flushes need to be replaced, and we have a number of options that you can consider. The 0.8 gallon extra efficient toilet is one. It not only looks sleek and elegant, but will also greatly reduce your overall water usage. In terms of showers, conventional showers usually end up wasting a lot of water, and also are sometimes not able to give you the desired flow you need. We intend revamping these as well, and putting in their place new smart showers that give you more and also use less water. The various option here are the hand shower, or the telephone shower, which is attractive and through a cord allows you to focus on particular areas of your body, and thus cuts down on water usage. We also intend putting a aperture showerhead since this has a triangular showerhead, which thus helps it distribute water more evenly and hence also give you an enhanced showering experience. c) Solar Heating Solar heating is perfect for your house to cater to the heating requirements. As mentioned by you, there is currently no heating in both attic and basement, and if you intend to convert the basement into a self contained apartment, then it will need to have water heating in place as well. We can install an extremely effective photo voltaic roofing system which will ensure that you are able to tap into the sun to get hot water as and when required. We suggest you do away with the radiator heating system, and also upgrade from the old electric heating tank. d) Building Integrated Water Heating We can also offer you integrated water heating solutions that will tap solar energy and using conduction techniques, we can provide heating solutions to all parts of the house. Through regular heat transfer methods, this heat that is collected can be used to meet your water heating needs. In order to have a better idea of your specific requirements, and also give you a cost estimation of the changes we propose, we would like to visit your property at a convenient date and time for you. Once again, we thank you for considering our services. Should you have any more questions, please feel free to contact us. We are ready to assist you in all your home improvement needs.

Friday, September 13, 2019

LJB Company Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

LJB Company - Case Study Example This discussion outlines that fulfilling these requirements in advance and formulating appropriate plan is the key to a winning entry into the market as public firm. Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act states that the management of the companies, which are made public recently, must deliver a report that evaluates the effectiveness of the firm’s internal control over financial reporting. An attestation report on the operating effectiveness of the measures is also in need to be submitted by the firm. As the paper highlights the manager should appoint independent counsel and advisors as stated necessary by the law to carry out the duties and to deal with concerns related to employees and organization. They are necessary to meet the issues regarding accounting, internal control, and auditing procedures. The LJB Company management should integrate the internal controls systems into the financial processes on time in order to adequately assort and asses the effectiveness of the implemented control measures. The LJB Company is seen functioning well with many of its activities. The company was doing right when it decided to start using pre-numbered invoices for the petty expenses. It would bring the transactions into the daylight from being tampered or manipulated. In the same way, the decision to use indelible ink machine to print their checks is considered to be a wise decision. There is less chances for clerical errors when using indelible ink machines. Furthermore, the system of paying the employees sounds well and suits well with the requirement of becoming a public company. On the payday, the accountant himself prepares the checks distributed at the office. In accordance with the company’s system, before closing fort he weekend, the accountant moves all the cash balance and checks into the safe in his office. This practice makes sure that no cash-at-hand is kept with the accountant without entering the accounts.  

Thursday, September 12, 2019

See the attachments>> Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Why a Global Language - Essay Example There are several languages that are predominant in other areas such as English.   More people around the world are speaking English.   Some of the most powerful countries in the world speak English such as the United States and Great Britain and some people believe that it is because English does not have a masculine or feminine tense.   Instead, it is neutral and several have thought that it would become the language used by the world.   There are also arguments about the amount of comprehensive grammar used in English that people may find it simpler to learn than others. Some may contribute this to the way that English has derived its vocabulary from other languages so it is in some ways familiar to others who speak different languages.   However, highly intelligent people all around the world still speak other languages and Latin is still considered one that is classic, beautiful, and scholarly.   A language is generally more powerful because its people are more power ful and much of this comes from a country’s military.   However, the country must be economically powerful as well. With the growth of global business, an international language is supported.   Through the use of different technologies, advertising, marketing and the media, it is easier to disperse a language to different parts of the world.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Multinational Corporation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Multinational Corporation - Assignment Example This refers to an assumption that the structure of a market would influence the conduct/ behavior of a firm. The manner in which an organization conducts itself in a given market will thereafter affect its performance. For example; in market where there is less competition, organizations have few obstacles. This gives them an opportunity to have various options in which they can behave in a market, and an example is increasing the prices of their products. Entry through green field methodology promotes competition between the companies in the market. This increases the quality of the products offered, and lowers their price. This is because a new company enters into the market, and it comes with its own strategies of penetrating the target market (United Nations Conferance on Trade and Development, 147). Entry into a host market through mergers has an effect of limiting completion, and this leads to an increase to the prices of goods the organization offers. This is because a multinational company collaborates with an existing company that offers similar products. This collaboration reduces competition since the organizations are not in conflicting of taking each other’s customers, but on retaining these customers. The control of the market by the host country can take the form of price controls, or requirements that before an entry to a given market, the company under consideration must incorporate local people as part of its ownership or senior management. A multinational cooperation can enter into a host market either through mergers, or green field entry. Green field entry has an effect of increasing competition. This is because there is an increase of the number of firms operating in a given market. Mergers on the other hand limit competition, because of the reduction of the number of firms operating in a given market. The entry of Mars into the UK ice cream market leads to decline of producers and sellers of ice

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Graffiti Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Graffiti - Essay Example Many consider graffiti as an art while others classify it as vandalism or degradation of environment. Graffiti is a broad term and encompasses all inscriptions or drawings produced hastily by using spray cans on a wall or other surface. Graffiti is also defined as a composition of pictures or words sprayed on a wall. The word graffiti is derived from an Italian word â€Å"groffitia† meaning â€Å"scribbling† or â€Å"inscriptions made on wax tablets using a stylus†. Graffiti has been used since prehistoric times to preserve or record signifying an individual’s existence by scribbling or scratching on an enduring medium. A study of history of graffiti reveals that from Neolithic period onwards, it was a common practice for nomads to leave marks in the form of scratches or inscriptions on rocks, signifying survival and success. During the Age of Enlightenment, graffiti was used by French prisoners to express their thoughts on the imminent rebellion. Moreover , during the golden age of French literature, many famous French authors mentioned graffiti in their work. Brassai, a French photographer, produced a famous photograph essay on graffiti in 1933. Graffiti was used as a weapon by the Nazis during the Second World War. Throughout the War, Nazis scribbled hate filled words and phrases against the enemies of the Third Reich on the walls of urban buildings. Graffiti was extensively used by students and labors throughout Europe during the unrest of 1960s and 1970s. (PEREIRA, S. 2005). Graffiti is of many types. Some of the important ones are as follows: i. Gang graffiti: The graffiti used by gangs to mark their territories and to convey threats to their opponents or trespassers. ii. Tagger graffiti: This type of graffiti is composed of either high volume simple hits or highly complicated art which is inscribed on streets. iii. Conventional graffiti: Conventional graffiti is almost always associated with â€Å"youthful experience† an d is mostly isolated. In addition, conventional graffiti is often spontaneous and therefore it is not associated with other crimes and disorders. iv. Ideological graffiti: Ideological graffiti is also known as hate or political graffiti and serves as a means of conveying political, racial, religious or ethnic messages. Factors associated with Graffiti: Many individuals associate the presence of graffiti with government’s failure to ensure safety of citizens and punish lawbreakers. Excruciating amounts of money are utilized by the government to remove graffiti each year. In the United States of America, approximately $12 billion are spent each year to clear graffiti. The problem of graffiti is not an isolated one and is therefore associated with other environmental crimes and disorders. (HAGAN, F. E. 2008). In most cases the following disorders are often associated with graffiti: i. Public disorders: As stated earlier, Graffiti is not an isolated problem, it is rather a proble m associated with various other crimes and disorders. One such disorder is public disorder which includes loitering, littering and urination in public areas. ii. Shoplifting: Shoplifting of materials used in graffiti is a common crime in areas where graffiti is widespread. iii. Gang violence: Gangs commonly use gang graffiti to convey threats of violence in order to mark their territories and threaten citizens. iv. Property destruction: Graffiti is often related to the destruction of property such as broken windows and slashed train and bus seats. (HAGAN, F. E. 2008). Envirocrime and Graffiti: Envirocrime is a broad term and encompasses a wide variety of disorders such as littering, fly posting, fly tipping and graffiti. Envirocrimes affects the whole community and renders the attractiveness of local environment. The effects of envirocrimes on a community are devastating and such crimes not only reduce the quality of life but also lower tourist attraction. Graffiti is applied and st reets are littered by a small number of individuals but such activities affect all the

Monday, September 9, 2019

Stained Glass Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Stained Glass - Research Paper Example However, it was during the Middle Ages or Medieval Period from 500 AD to 1450 AD, that the art of creating stained glass was developed in Europe. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this research paper is to investigate stained glass, its background, Medieval stained glass, the process of creating the art pieces, developments, later stained glass, and the significance of the art in the modern world. The beauty of stained glass is magical, even before it is cut and pieced together into a project. Stained glass falls into two general categories: cathedral and opalescent or opals. Cathedral glass includes all clear and transparent colored glass. Contrastingly, opalescent glass is developed from a material that crystallizes the glass during the cooling process. This results in glass â€Å"with varying degrees of oqaqueness that refletcts light rather than transmitting it† (Stevenson 8). The term stained glass is considered to be a misnomer, since staining is only one of the techniques of coloring used, and the best medieval glass did not employ this method. In ancient times, Muslim designers in East Asia fitted small pieces of colored glass into intricate window traceries or lacy openwork, made of stone, wood, or plaster. This type of window mosaic continues to be used. In the windows of Christian churches, colored glass was used as early as the 5th century, and pictorial glass as early as the 10th century (The Columbia Encyclopedia, 2009). In stained glass, color has been associated with emotions, through history. After entering a church, the meditative feeling that an individual gets is partly due to the interior lighting. It is believed that the rich reds and brilliant yellows traditionally used in stained glass evoked certain emotions in the viewers. Further, since many people were illiterate, books were not read to a great extent. Thus, they also

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Logic exercise hypothesis testing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Logic exercise hypothesis testing - Assignment Example Doug disregards Al’s statements as not true and argues that at least one of Charles’ statements is true, further he claims that he does not like to eat game. It is clear that, statements 2 and 3 made by Al are true; Bill’s third statement is the only true statement, and statements 1, 2 made by Charles are also true. Doug also makes two true statements, 2 and 3. Therefore, it can be said that, Bill is the poacher, based on the fact that a guilty party makes only one true statement (Poletiek, 2001), is the guilty one. The Butcher’s first statement that he was not there is entirely false, so is his second and third statements, as well. Given that the Butcher’s first statement is false and the Baker first statement claims to agree with it, it means that, his statement is not also true. The Candle stick maker makes at least two true statements, 1 and 2. The Cobbler’s third statement is not true since it contradicts his first statement. He says that he agree with the bakers third statement, which is in agreement with the Butcher’s second statement, which claims that the Cobbler did it. All of the Blacksmith’s statements are true; therefore, he is the only suspect that makes no false

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Various kinds of fast food items that may cause cancer among regular Essay

Various kinds of fast food items that may cause cancer among regular consumers - Essay Example major restaurants along with fast-food chains such as McDonald’s and Burger King among others accusing these fast food giants to serve food items comprising carcinogens, resulting in augments risks of cancer (Anrig, â€Å"The Fast-Food Dilemma: Trans Fats and Cancer Risks†). In general, fast foods or junk foods represent empty calorie based food items. In this regard, empty calorie based foods are regarded as those items containing high proportion of calorie and have deficiency in micro-nutrients like minerals, vitamins, amino acids and fiber among others (Ashakiran and Deepthi 7-15). It can be apparently viewed that junk foods are normally featured as easily accessible, quick and economical substitutes, especially to home-cooked meals (Demand Media, Inc., â€Å"Definition of Fast Foods†). In precise, junk food items are quite easy to prepare as well as to consume and are also readily available in abundance as well as in wide range of varieties. They are typicall y observed to have lesser nutritional value along with comprising greater level of sugar, fat and salt. A few of the common junk foods comprise carbonated drinks, snack foods that are salted and fried food items. It is quite evident in this context that the consumption of fast foods has become one of the major problems for the individuals in today’s modern day context, as this particular social trend causes significant negative effects on the human health and also on the average mortality rate in the societal realm. In response it can be noted that there are certain nations, which have adopted effective actions in order to address and mitigate the aforesaid problem identifiable as a 21st century social lifestyle trend. It is in this context that higher amount of taxes are imposed by governments on fast food... Various kinds of fast food items that may cause cancer among regular consumers It can be apparently observed in this similar concern that fast foods or junk foods impose severe impacts upon its regular consumers’ health in terms of serious chronic diseases, such as cancer, tumor, ulcer and many others. As a consequence, regular intake of fast food items has also contributed towards the rising number of instances of diseases such as diabetes mellitus and coronary artery infection among others. By taking into concern the impact of fast or junk foods upon the health of the individuals, it can be affirmed that regular consumption of healthy or nutritious foods has been replaced by the latest food mantra served by many large brands around the globe. With this concern, the research paper intends to analyze the various kinds of fast food items and other food items that may cause cancer among regular consumers. Moreover, the average quantity consumption of fast food that can lead to cancer has also been researched in this paper. Accordingly, certain solutions or preventive measures have been suggested in the research paper that can be beneficial in mitigating the increasing number of cancer patients in the worldwide context. From the above analysis, it can be affirmed that there are different sorts of fast food products, which may cause high cancer risks among its regular consumers. This disease might appear in the form of liver, breast and prostate cancers.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Edith Whartons Souls Belated Essay Example for Free

Edith Whartons Souls Belated Essay Point of view always influences the way readers perceive events. In literature, the point of view the author chooses not only affects the way readers perceive and interpret events, but it also determines, to some extent, what the readers can actually see. That is, point of view guides the way readers interpret events and draw conclusions by limiting or illuminating the amount and nature of the information from which conclusions can be drawn. In Souls Belated, Edith Wharton uses point of view to illuminate the thoughts of each character individually, while concealing the thoughts of the other, and eventually to highlight the vastly different mindsets of both characters involved. Wharton first does this by revealing Lydias thoughts to the readers while hiding Gannetts. At the exposition, the story is told in third person, from Lydias point of view. This technique allows readers to see directly into Lydias mind. To know what Gannet is thinking, however, they must accept Lydias version of his thoughts: He was thinking of it now, just as she was; they had been thinking about it in unison ever since they had entered the train (673). Since readers have no direct insight into Gannetts brain, they have no way to know what he is really thinking, but neither do they have, as yet, any substantial reason to doubt Lydias interpretation of events. The third-person-limited point of view is particularly effective because it allows readers to view Lydias thoughts, opinions, and interpretations as facts. If Wharton had chosen to tell the story in first person, from Lydias point of view, the narrative would be clearly subjective. Readers would be aware of the limitations of a first person narrator. Consequently, they would have plenty of incentive to question the accuracy of Lydias perception. On the other hand, if the narrator were omniscient, it would describe Gannetts thoughts as well as Lydias and thereby remove all questions in this matter. The actual third person narrator seems removed enough from the action to appear to be an impartial observer; this inclines readers to accept the narrators statements as facts. That the point of view is limited, however, also leaves in question whether Lydias view of Gannett is correct, whether readers should accept it at face value; this is what  creates the subtle suspense of the story. Wharton builds on this suspense by suggesting that Lydia does know Gannett well enough to know his mind, or, at least, that Lydia thinks she knows Gannett well enough to know: now that he and she were alone she knew exactly what was passing through his mind; she could almost hear him asking himself what he should say to her (673). This not only further inclines readers to accept Lydias interpretation of Gannetts thoughts and emotions, but it also encourages them to be sympathetic to her. Lydia knows what Gannett is thinking, and she dreads it. Since readers know Lydias mind but not Gannetts, they cannot help but see the situation through her eyes. In order to see properly through Lydias eyes, in order to know why she dreads Gannett inevitably speaking to her, readers need to have some sense of her personality. The point of view helps accomplish this as well; it allows readers to extract information about Lydias personality from her reactions to her own memories. For example, when Lydia remembers her ex-husband and her reasons for leaving him, [she] had preferred to think that Tillotson had himself embodied all her reasons for leaving him. Yet she had not left him till she met Gannett (673). From this, readers know that Lydia, at the beginning at least, is not self-secure enough to have left her husband to be on her own. She could not turn from him without having someone else to turn to. However, this discovery had not been agreeable to her self-esteem (673), indicating that not only is Lydia aware of her own insecurity but also that it is something which bothers her. Lydia wants to think of herself as an independent woman but so far has not been as wholly independent as she would like to be. Once readers understand this part of Lydias personality, they are better prepared to understand why Lydia struggles against dependency. Specifically, she struggles against marrying Gannett because she views it as a particularly tempting form of dependency. Lydia fears that by marrying Gannett, she will lose whatever sense of self she has developed since leaving her husband; similarly, she worries that Gannett will lose his sense of self in marrying her. To look upon him as the instrument of her  liberation; to resist herself in the least tendency to a wifely taking possession of his future; had seemed to Lydia the one way of maintaining the dignity of their relation (675). At the same time, however, she realizes that this view of their relationship is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain: she was aware of a growing inability to keep her thoughts fixed on the essential point the point of parting with Gannett (675). Through what the narrator says and does not say about their relationship, readers can infer that Lydia is growing dependent on Gannett but is still trying to fight against it. The insight Wharton gives readers into Lydias personality contrasts sharply with how little they know of Gannett. Because of the narrators limited point of view, readers know only as much about Gannett as Lydia knows. Readers know what Gannett says and what he does, as well as what Lydia presumes he thinks, but they have no way to observe Gannetts thoughts for themselves. Even at one point where the narrative seems to shift to a more omniscient point of view, the narrator can only say, He looked at her hopelessly. Nothing is more perplexing to man than the mental process of a woman who reasons her emotions (678). The narrative still does not describe exactly what Gannett is thinking; it only describes Gannetts action, then makes a general statement which may or may not apply to Gannett specifically. Readers have no way of knowing whether Gannett actually thinks this statement or not; for all they know, it could be what Lydia is thinking, what she presumes about Gannetts state of mind. Not only does this point of view technique make the readers want to know what Gannett is thinking, but it also binds them emotionally to Lydia. They want to know what Gannett is thinking as badly as she does. After building up sufficient desire, Wharton finally satisfies the readers curiosity by shifting the point of view to allow them access to Gannetts thoughts. This shift also corresponds with an important twist in the plot; it comes at the beginning of their last conversation in the hotel room, just before Lydia suggests to Gannett that the only was to resolve their relationship is for her to leave him. Gannett threw away his cigarette; the sound of her voice made him want to see her face (685). Limited though it  is, this is the first time readers can witness Gannetts thoughts directly. Throughout the conversation, the shift intensifies. She sank again on the sofa, hiding her face in her hands. Gannett stood above her perplexedly; he felt as though she were being swept away by some implacable current while he stood helpless on its bank (688). Now, the roles are reversed: readers can know Gannetts emotional state from what the narrator tells them, but they must divine Lydias from he r words and actions. That this point of view shift comes before Lydias suggestion to leave Gannett is important because it brings with it a tone shift. When the readers can see Gannetts desires and emotions, they begin to feel sympathy for him. Now they can see the events through his eyes, too. Conversely, when the narrative distances itself from Lydias thoughts, it distances the readers from Lydia as well. While this distance does not necessarily cancel out any sympathy the readers have for Lydia, their sympathy for her does not overpower their sympathy for Gannett. Indeed, it is because of this newfound sympathy that Lydias, My leaving you, (689) does not seem to the readers like a desirable outcome. Since they now sympathize with both characters, they do not like anything that would cause either one of them pain. An act that would cause both characters pain would be doubly bad. Wharton continues this sympathy for Gannett by telling the last section of the story, where Lydia actually tries to leave him, from his point of view. Wharton also uses this point of view to answer many of Lydias, and therefore the readers, questions. For instance, the readers now get to see how Gannett views marriage, particularly marriage to Lydia. Even had his love lessened, he was now bound to her by a hundred ties of pity and self-reproach; and she, poor child! must turn back to hum as Latude returned to his cell (690). Gannett feels responsible for Lydia as well as bound to her; he possibly even feels somewhat fatherly toward her, as if she was a child who he had an obligation to look after. These are all attitudes opposed to Lydias pride and desire for independence. As Gannett watches Lydia walk away from the hotel, his thoughts continue: If any thought emerged from the tumult of his sensations, it was that he must let her go if she wished it. He had spoken last night of his rights: what were they? At the last issue, he and she were two separate beings, not made one by the miracle of common forbearances, duties, abnegations, but bound together in a noyade of passion that left them resisting yet clinging as they went down. (690) From this statement, readers know Gannetts true attitude toward marriage, that it is a spiritual joining that would give him some sort of right to Lydia. Not only is Gannetts opinion of marriage contrary to Lydias opinion of it, but it also conflicts with what Lydia believes Gannetts opinion to be. Their isolated points of view heighten the contrast between Gannetts and Lydias feelings toward marriage. This separation reminds the readers that although they can see into both Lydias and Gannetts minds, there is no way for either character to know what the other is thinking. Each character is completely cut off from the other; the only way they have to intuit thoughts is for them to interpret the words and actions of the other, just as readers must do, in turn, for each character. The isolation that lets the readers see this limitation is the same isolation that hides, ironically, the limitation from both characters. Lydia, for example, felt she knew exactly what was passing through his mind (673), even though it is her uncertainty that makes what Gannett is thinking so nervewracking for her. In the same way, Gannett later feels that Lydia is walking into a world where no one would understand her no one would pity her and he, who did both, was powerless to come to her aid (690). If Gannett truly understood and pitied Lydia, he would have understood that she is too independent to want is pity. But perhaps the most telling point of view shift comes at the end of the story, where Wharton retreats into an omniscient, objectively descriptive narrator. As Gannett watches Lydia leave the boat and come back to the hotel, back to him, [he] sat down beside a table; a Bradshaw lay at his elbow, and mechanically, without knowing what he did, he began looking out  the trains to Paris (691). The distance of the point of view echoes Gannetts distance from his own emotions. He acts mechanically, not knowing what he is doing because he does not know what he is feeling. Indeed, the distance of the narrative reflects the net numbness of the conflicting emotions that Lydia and Gannett are both feeling. Each must resign himself to marrying the one he loves.