Sunday, March 29, 2020

Ben and Jerry free essay sample

Their mission statement included three dimensions; product, economic, and social. Their objectives were not always in harmony, however. They’ve had to sacrifice some objectives to meet others, for example they didn’t want to rice prices due to the fact they wanted to be a â€Å"ice cream for the people† company, but had to sacrifice the social objective in order to stay in business. Of their three mission statement objectives, their social consciousness seems to be their leading objective. Ben Jerry donates 7. 5% of their pretax earnings to charities and foundations. I think that the current takeover offers are justifiable. The pre-offer announcement share prices were $21 per share. The price per share as of November 1999 was $25. The worth to the bidders is in the brand name of Ben Jerry, and in the eyes on the ice cream consumers, Ben Jerry’s is a respectable brand. Given that the sales per-share were . We will write a custom essay sample on Ben and Jerry or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 34, their bids are in line with that. The EPS is $1. 06 per-share. Morgan should support one of the acquisition offers. The company in recent years hasn’t done as well, and some of the offers are very intriguing. They are overpaying in comparison to the pre-offer share price of $21 per share, and in the likely event that Ben Jerry’s can survive on its own, its best to take one of the offers and merge with a company who may have better advantages. Its his job to look out for the shareholder and not the com

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Reading 17th Century Scotland Essay

Reading 17th Century Scotland Essay Reading 17th Century Scotland Essay Reading 17th Century Scotland HY31016 26/3/2013 Source Review The church during the 17th century in Scotland had a lot more power within the country than churches do now in modern society. The general motive of the church was to set the standard of what was right and wrong in their society and how to behave as a church going person. Also, the church kind of served as a place of law, where people were sent to be disciplined if they did something against the moral conduct of the church. In the documents, there are cases of plundering, witchcraft, and adultery that in today’s society wouldn’t fit in within the rules of the church, but in this time period it falls under in the churches shadow. The first thing that really came out to me in The Annals of Banff, was the statements about the conducting of witchcraft in the town. Within the document it says that â€Å"about this time active measures were being taken against witchcraft and superstition in the district â€Å"Our Ladie Wei," near the Kirk of Ordiquhill, was a favourite spot for â€Å"ignorantes" resorting to, and thereafter kneeling about the said Kirk, but no one, so far as record bears, suffered death therefor, except one unfortunate man who was resident in that district. This was John Philp... his only offence apparently being that he was consulted and that he prescribed for the cure of simple ailments. Whether he was burned to death at the Market Cross of Banff, or on the Gallows from this are in the Records of the Meeting of the Exercise of Alford, when â€Å"James Gordoune and Janet Innes having been delated by the Sessione of Kildrumie as guiltie of adulterie, and being both fugitive together, the said Sessione upon that account having referred the matter to the meitting of the Exercise; it is ordained, in respect they could not be found whereby a personal summons might bee fixed upon them, that the said James Gordoune bee summoned from the pulpit of Kildrummie, and the said Janet Innes bee summoned from the pulpit of Towy, with in which parish she had her residence, to appear befor the next meitting.†2 What is interesting about these records is that next to a lot of the statements is the word ‘discipline.’ And for the ones that say discipline, they keep track if the people are doing what they were sentenced to do after they received their punishment. For example, for the case used above, although they didn’t receive a punishment because they were not there, the church still keeps track of their case and updates it, and for the two that committed adultery â€Å"no report anent James Gordoune and Janet Innes, the minister of Towy being necessarily absent. It is reported anent Janet Smith, that she is continuing in her publick professione of repentance.†3 And even after this update it goes on to another one later that states â€Å"anent James Gordoune and Janet Innes, the minister of Towy reported, that they had not only not entered to the professione of repentance, but that also they were continuing their sinne, and travelling through the country in company together. Whereupon it is ordained that the minister of Kildrummie proceed in processe against them, and that it be intimated from the severall pulpits within oar precinct, that none receipt them in company together, under pain of Church censure.†4 So it is easy to see